Chp 9

110 4 1

" you know what I think we should just off your phone " he said

" I've to work " I said

" aren't you working here just because you wanna be with me " he looked at me in a curiosity I guess he was waiting for something lovey dovey

" Well I'm here just to help yura " I said

" I think I should just take things too far that you just keep thinking about me and... "

" And?? " I said

Beep.. Beep... Beep...

Someone was about to open the vanity door idk what to do I run to the bathroom and closed the door

And that very moment dongwook's manager entered the vanity

" Dongwookaaahh what's wrong with your face... It's all red did you eat anything spicey " and was to walk toward the bathroom

" hyung where are you going??? " wookie asked

" oh I've a small business I'll finish it soon you can go to the sets now " the manager said

Holy shit....

How he's supposed to come to the bathroom when I'm stuck here...

Now my soul is almost about to left me 👻

" hyung you can't go to the bathroom " wookie said

" Whyyyyyy I'm in hurry " manager said

" because I want to go too " wookie said

" Yaa you can go once I'm done I can't handle it anymore I swear " manager blabber

" ok so let's play rock paper scissors who'll win go in " wookie made a deal

" I can't believe it dong wook are you in a age of doing all this?? " manager is still in disbelief

Rock paper scissors 👊🖐✌ ×4

After doing it 4 times wookie won

He ran over to the bathroom and came in.... Now he's looking at me

What should I do ?

Manager oppa left the vanity and in happiness I was about to open the door.. But.... You know what happened??? Something like hen came itself to the fox 🤣🤣🤣

His vulgar eyes want to eat me already

" just one kiss please " he said

And now I'm looking at his juicy lips so red so plumpy oh god

I closed my eyes and he bust into a laugh

" why?? " I asked

" you look so cute " he kissed my forehead and I went out

     END OF THE DAY....

Dongwook came to drop me...

In front our house

" you should go now  what if someone see you here it'll be a big problem " I said

" I actually want a problem so I can confess about our relationship with public " he said holding my hand

" but for now my mom will see you if you stay here for long " I replied

" I would like to introduce myself to her too " he said

After some lovey dovey conversation wookie went back

After I took a shower I came to bed expecting a msg from my man ♥

" Are you in bed already? " the msg I got

" Yes 😍😍 ah i was about to let you know but I didn't got to... Actually from tomorrow I'm taking break for part time " I replied

" Whyyyyyy😒" now he seems to be sad

" well I have a big work to complete . Day after tomorrow I have to go there with lots of flowers " I let him know that I'll be busy soon

" can I help you?? " he replied

" nope it's ok you already stuck in your blind dates 🤣" I remind him that he have blind dates dinner with the winners

" I miss you already " he said

Awwwww butterfly in my stomach already

" oppa... I... Like you " I said

" I'm sorry jagiya I didn't ask you out properly "

" take rest then call me when you wake up " he said

And now I've to get ready for big work

Stay tuned guys ♥

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