Chp 10

105 3 0

As soon I woke up  I got ready for work I've to make lots of flowers bouquets and by evening I've to visit one of my lovable person...

Ofc didn't forget to take a mirror selfie 💃

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Ofc didn't forget to take a mirror selfie 💃

After working for  4 long hours now I'm tired to lift a finger even

After working for  4 long hours now I'm tired to lift a finger even

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I made lots of mini bouquets ♥♥ pretty isn't??

And now I'm hungry😣🍕 I forgot my breakfast too 😅

I was scrolling my phone to order some foods
And the door open

" shop is closed " I said

" Sorry for bothering madam I'm here for a food delivery " he said

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" Sorry for bothering madam I'm here for a food delivery " he said

" Sorry for bothering madam I'm here for a food delivery " he said

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And he placed a lunch box 🍱 on the table

" wow you made this?? " I jumped in happiness

" with my own hands ✋" he said by showing his long fingers

" Aren't you bust today?? " I said

" well I cleared up all  my schedule for you❤ ik you must be busy and hungry " he said while coming to me

" woah what's this??? So many flowers.. You got a big order " he said while giving me a back hug

" Actually I'm planning to visit a lovely person today and you know what I love him more than you " I said cherishing his cheeks

" what ??? Who's he? Is he  more handsome than me?? Huh I can't believe I cleared my schedule and made you all the lunch box still there's someone who you love more than me?? "   he was so fast  and i like his jealousy face 🤭

" Wanna come with me?? " I asked him while having a bite of Kimbap

" I'll " I guess he was waiting for me asking to come with him

" BTW thank you ❤❤ the food is on another level " I said giving him a chu 💋 he blushes more

I got ready in a black dress

" Oppa do you a black suit that's the theme color " I said

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" Oppa do you a black suit that's the theme color " I said

He called his manager and asked him to bring a black suit

He called his manager and asked him to bring a black suit

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I loaded all the flower into the car and start driving

" dongjak dong, dong gu, Seoul " I type in GPS

" Is it someone funeral?? " he asked

I didn't bother to answer even

After getting there I took all the flowers with help of dongwook out and went to the cemetery " Park yeong il " that was the name of the owner

I bowed toward and said

" Annyeong appa... How have you been I'm sorry I'm not visiting you often but I still miss you 😔 ... This is my boyfriend he's an actor ... Appa I'm a big girl now... Am I became prettier???  I bought some flower for you and your friends too... Are you all getting well there??? " I placed a flower toward his picture

" Abbunim I'm Lee dong wook... Nice to meet you. " he bowed too

There are many flowers left

" I bought this to all of them let's keep a flower to each person " I said

" but you don't know them " he said

" everyone is someone's mother or father, sister or brother, son or daughter.... People nowadays got very busy so maybe they visit there love ones or no idk  . So I bought it for everyone as much as I can give " I said

" Annyeonghaseyo " I bowed and placed a bouquet💐

After placing our all bouquets we went back to the car

Dongwook was looking at me

" Why?? " I asked

" I love you ❤ " he said

" Suddenly? " I said

" you're such a kind soul and today I got one more reason to love you and it's ok if you love him more than me " he said

I can't stop laughing now 🤭🤣

Hi guys stay tuned ♥

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