Imagine #4

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-Patrick Wilson
-Ivy ( kid )

What's it about
-Baby Daddy


Both you and Patrick had met in your 20s, you both had mutual friends and ended up getting together.

Y/n: Hi! Am y/n, and you

Patrick : *smiling* Hello beautiful, I Am Patrick.

Y/n: Nice to meet you, So what brings you here *pointing to the bar*

Patrick: My friend just turned 20 so he wants to have a big thing and get drunk, And you what brings a pretty girl like you here?

Y/n: This is going to sound weird, but I am here for the same thing.

Patrick: Really! *Patrick said laughing to himself* Who's your friend?

Y/n: Him *said pointing to the guy who looked drunk*

Patrick: No Way, Same!

Y/n: Omg! *You said laughing*

Patrick: Hey, you wanna get out of here?

Y/n: Sure, where too?

Patrick: I wanna show you something.

*Next Setting*

Y/n: Woah! Patrick, this place is beautiful.

Patrick: Not as beautiful as you. *he said smirking*

*After that he took you home, and you continued to see each other, then officially started to date, where he became famous, and then the two of you got married and had a baby. You two were married for 6 years when something happened and you two fell out of love, you guys never fought or anything you two just didn't love each other like you used to. You got a divorce and split custody and moved on with your life, he moved on and married his now wife and had two kids. As for you, you became an artist who worked with many people going around the world etc but you always had your daughter with you

PS ivy is 10 now let's say


*on the phone with Patrick*

Y/n: Hey, are you taking her this week or is she staying with me?

Patrick: I can't am sorry, my movie premiere is happening.

Y/n: You know that's going to hurt her, she wants to be with her dad.

Patrick: Look y/n there's nothing I can do about it, stop trying to make me seem like I am a father who doesn't care about his kid.

Y/n: You know who you sound like right now. My father

Patrick: Y/n am sorry, I know how bad your dad was, I promise I am not and will never be like him.

Y/n: I know I am sorry, I just don't wanna see her sad.

Patrick: What about this, she comes to the premiere with me?

Y/n: I'll ask her.

Patrick: Okay get back to me and let me know.

Y/n: Bye Patrick.

Patrick: Bye y/n I.. *hangs up*

Y/n: Hi! Baby.

Ivy: Hi mommy, does daddy not have time for me.

*she said looking sad she hadn't seen her day in a month due to his filming schedule*

Y/n: Actually, Daddy wants to know if you wanna go to his movie premiere with him!


Y/n: okay! I'll tell him

*hugging her, you loved seeing her happy*

*ivy pov*

Ivy: Daddy! *she ran to Patrick*

Patrick: Hi princess! Are you ready for the premiere?

Ivy: YES! I am excited.

Patrick: Baby if you don't like all the cameras and lights, tell me and I'll have one of my bodyguards take you away so you don't have to be around it and I'll meet up with you.

Ivy: Okay dad.

*The premiere went great and Ivy had a good day spending it with her dad*.

Patrick Wilson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now