Arrange Marriage Part 2

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- A= Aquaman aka ( Arthur )
- O= Ocean Master ( Orm )
- Atlanta ( Mother + Queen )
- T = Thalassa aka (mother) who is also a queen of some place in the ocean etc
- SF = Stepfather aka ( mother husband )
- Y/n = You

| They Arrive |

T: Greetings your majesty, I am Queen Thalassa of the dark sea, And this is my Husband.

Atlanta: Nice to meet the both of you, where is your daughter if you don't mind.

T: She should be ready by now, Arthur I know you two are close friends, you mind checking on her

Atlanta: That's a good idea.

Arthur : Yes, your majesty.

*He Left*

T: This must be prince Orm, the one who will be wed with my daughter.

Atlanta: Yes it is, Orm. *She taps him*

Orm: Good evening, your majesty.

T: I've heard a lot about you, not so nice.

Atlanta: Anyways your daughter should be here soon.

*Orm was mad at what Queen Thalassa

Orm: *Whispers* just wait till I have your daughter.

T: What was that?

Orm: Nothing your majesty, talking to myself.

| Time Skip when arthur go to find you |

A: Y/n what's taking forever

Y/n: Am sorry am not trying to look bad *you say coming out of your chambers

A: Ah look at you trying to impress your future husband. *he winks*

Y/n: Am not doing this for him, am doing this for myself.

A: Okay I see you, but really we need to go they are waiting for you

| Time Skip |

*You all sat down for dinner, you try not to make eye contact with Orm*

T: There will be 2 engagement parties, One in my kingdom, and one in yours

Atlanta: That sounds great, Arthur what do you think?

A: Whatever is most comfortable, your majesty.

T: Well let's get the ring on.

SF: Y/n and Orm please come here *after dinner you went to this beautiful place where the rings were given*

T: Here take this on Orm, Y/n give your hand please.

Y/n: You did as you were told *but didn't look at him*

T: Y/n! Eyes up.

Y/n: Yes your majesty.

*you looked up at this beautiful eyes but something dark in there, that you couldn't place a finger on, Orm takes your hand and puts the ring on it, then kissing your hand*

| Night Time |

*After the two of you were officially engaged, you set off to your chambers to cry where you ended up falling asleep*


Orm: Hello love.

Y/n: Orm what are you doing in my chambers?

*he steps closer to you*

Orm: Don't be scared, I don't bite

*Steps even closer we're your faces could touch*

Y/n: Orm you can't be in here, we are not wed yet so we can not be in the same chambers together.

Orm: Yes but I don't like rules

Y/n: I can see that. * you spat out*

Orm: What was that, princess?

Y/n: Nothing!.

Orm: That's what I thought.

*he kisses your check and disappears, you then wake up*

Y/n: *Breathing heavenly* that was just a dream right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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