Draco Malfoy was often seen as the perfect student with excellent grades and a bright future. However, behind the facade was a deeply troubled and unhappy boy...Draco's parents were constantly pressuring him to succeed, which resulted in him putting a lot of stress on himself. He was always trying to be perfect and never felt good enough. This caused him to begin feeling depressed and alone.Draco gradually became more and more distant from his friends as he withdrew into himself. He felt like he couldn't talk to anyone about his problems and began self-harming in an attempt to cope with all the negative feelings he was experiencing.As Draco's depression grew, he started missing classes and falling behind in school. The pressure was becoming too much for him to handle and he felt like he couldn't go on any longer.One night, after a bad encounter with his father and being berated for his lack of success, Draco snapped.He went into his bedroom, locked the door, and cried for hours. He felt so alone and helpless and couldn't take it anymore.Draco started scratching himself, he felt like there was nothing he could do to fix everything going wrong. He wanted to let his parents know what he was going through, but he also didn't want them to feel more disappointed in him.Draco's thoughts began to spiral out of control and he couldn't stop the negative feelings from consuming him.Draco started having thoughts about ending his life to escape the pain and sadness he wasIn a desperate attempt to make the thoughts stop, Draco rushed out of the bedroom and out of the house, sprinting down the street as if he was running from his own problems.Draco ran out into the street and a car came by, nearly running him over. He didn't even notice how close he was to being hit.He just kept running, tears streaming down his face, feeling so lost and overwhelmed by everything he was going through.Eventually Draco couldn't run anymore, his legs gave out and he collapsed on the pavement, sobbing uncontrollably. He wished he could just disappear and be freed from all the pain.in a freak accident, a car skidded on the road causing it to swerve out of control towards Draco, who was lying on the ground unable to move.