Everything will be fine

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Hashirama was sad, very sad. After what had happened with Madara, he felt sad. Every day he went to the river to see if Madara or at least Koro were there waiting for him, but no one was ever there.

Eventually he got tired of always being alone. He decided to go into town to find her.

It didn't take him long to find where she lived. He entered the restaurant and walked towards the woman in charge.

"Hi... I'm Koro's friend, she hasn't been around for a long time... Do you mind if I stay with her for a while?"

The woman smiled energetically, she was very different from her "daughter", she was not calm at all.

"Certainly young man! Go up the stairs and knock on the door on the left! But don't do anything crazy with my daughter! Hahahaha!"

Hashirama turned red with embarrassment. He didn't expect Koro's "mother" to be like this.

"No no no! Ma'am, there was a misunderstanding! I'm not Koro's boyfriend! I'm just a friend, that's all!"

She laughed.

"Hahahaha! It's certainly not a problem, young man! I'm just joking, go ahead and see my daughter!"

Hashirama sighed and walked to upstairs and then knocked to the left room.


It was Koro's voice, it was hers, Hashirama felt a shiver run down his spine, he hadn't heard the sound of her voice in so long.

Koro opened the door and her eyes widened a bit.


Hashirama pulled her into a hug. A very tight hug.

"Koro! Why did you disappear so suddenly?! I thought something happened to you!"

Koro looked elsewhere. It was true, she had disappeared suddenly, she hadn't thought that maybe anyone would be worried.
After what had happened, she was left without ideas, it was too confusing. Everything had happened too quickly, she hadn't had time to think. She couldn't get out. Not after her friends had separated, after they discovered they were enemy clans. And Madara's eyes had surprised her. She didn't think it was possible to have her red eyes, it was slightly creepy.

"Forgive me Hashirama... It's just that after all that commotion I didn't know how to react... Was I stunned? Probably."

"You can say you were scared Koro."

Koro looked at him, while he kept hugging her tightly.

"Uh? What do you mean?"

"We both know that Madara was scary...He scared me too..."

Koro looked down. Was Madara really that scary? Or were the Uchihas scary? Maybe it was just the Sharingan that was disturbing.
It was too confusing!

"Ok, maybe he was a little scary..."

Hashirama let her go from the hug and stared at Koro's blue eyes.

"Koro, I must tell you that the two clans are at war and probably..."

He leaned close to the girl's ear, entering her room.

"Madara and I will fight. I will try in every way to make peace between the two clans, but you should have known this."

His voice was very low, but that was only so that unwanted people wouldn't hear what he was telling Koro.

"I... Understand..." Koro whispered, still avoiding Hashirama's gaze.

"Everything will be fine."

Hashirama's words make her surprised.

"I'll fix everything, Koro-chan. Just be patience, we will return the trio of friends!"

 Just be patience, we will return the trio of friends!"

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He smiled softly. Koro felt hopeful that he might fix everything.


Thanks you for reading my story!! 😭
I saw that a youtuber did the reaction video, i'm so happy!! Take an example from her, it would make me so happy to see more of her! You can find it just by youtubing Sweet treats react to 😭

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