"A cute girl from another world meet a cocky boy that in the future killed merciless..."
"Damn! Why she's so cute?! I can't stop thinking about her..."
Warning: This story will be rewritten!
Many years had passed, but Hashirama couldn't change Madara. There were just damn fights, members of the respective Senju and Uchiha clans dying so quickly.
"Madara, please stop! Let's end fighting and let's make a peace treaty! We can't go on like that!" The Senju man said.
Madara hadn't seen Koro in far too long, he was very frustrated.
"Why would i accept that? Remember Hashirama, your clan killed my brothers!"
"That's the point Madara! I want to stop this massacre!"
Not far away, Tobirama and Izuna were fighting fiercely.
"Sharingan!" Izuna's eyes become bloodshot red and Tobirama was forced to shut his eyes, giving the Uchiha the opportunity to hit him with a strong kick/punch.
"Fire style! Fire Ball Jutsu!"
Luckily for him, Tobirama managed to counter the attack with his Water Dragon Missile.
Madara and Hashirama continue slashing.
"Flying Raijin Slice!"
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Izuna coughed blood. Madara turn behind and his eyes widened.
He ran to his brother, trying to help him.
"Izuna, are you ok? Resist, i'm gonna take you to aid!"
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"Tobirama, was that really necessary??" Hashirama said to his brother. Tobirama scoffed.
"We're in war, Hashirama. That was necessary."
Hashirama sighed and ignored his brother, turning to Madara.
"Please Madara! Accept my propose! This can't go on!"
Madara was hesitant, tempted to accept the Senju's proposal, but his brother interfered.
"M-Madara... D-Don't do that..."
"Uh? Why Izuna?"
"You... Can't... Ally yourself... With the clan that killed... Your brothers and other members..."