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It had been 2 years since Hashirama was forced to kill Madara.
Even though it was hard, Koro and the two Senju brothers had moved on.

Hashirama did everything he could to be a good Hokage and above all, protect the Village from enemy attacks.

Tobirama tried to make his brother make good choices. He was always close to him.

Koro was close to both of them. She wanted to make them happy.

"Koro, Tobirama! I have great news!"

The two were sitting in the Hokage's office.

"What happened?" His brother asked him.

Hashirama was blushing like hell, he smiled at them and laughed.

"I'm going to marry Mito!"

Koro's eyes lighten up and she smiled, Tobirama was happy too, but he hided it.

"I knew you were going ask her, but i didn't think that you would so fast."

Congratulations, when did you ask her?"

Hashirama was so excited and happy that he even forgot to breath.

"Last night for dinner! We hadn't started eating and I asked her to marry me and she said yes!"

"Sweetheart, I see you've already gone to tell your brother and your... Friend..."

Hashirama's future wife was there in person

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Hashirama's future wife was there in person. Hashirama walked to her kissing her cheek.

"Sure my dear. I couldn't not tell them."

"Have you already set a date?" Koro asked with a soft smile, Mito nodded.

"Yes, it will be in a few weeks. We won't do anything big, just a wedding with the closest people."

"I see, I wish you a lot of happiness."
Tobirama sighed, he was happy, yes.

After a month, the two were married. The wedding had been an unforgettable event, Koro had never seen Hashirama so happy.
They had kissed so much, Koro wanted to feel like this too.

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