XI.Golden statue

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Cassie's pov

By the time we got to the amusement park it was already dark and no one was around to see us
"I haven't seen a lot of horror movies but this seems exactly like the kind of place they'd suggest to avoid."Percy said as we approached the entrance
"I've never seen any kind of horror movie."I admited to him as I had no clue what he was talking about "I'll have to take your word for it."
"Never?What do you mean 'never' like , 'never-never' ?" He asked me
"Is there another kind?"I asked back "I've watched other movies but I was still young when I got to camp so I never got to watch horror movies."
"Well,if neither of us is dead in a few days,we really ought to fix that.You're missing out."He said to me "In the meantime,we should probably get this over with,though."He approached the barrier and started to go through it but then I realised something.It was made of Celestial bronze.
"Wait,Percy,stop."I said to him and the metal barrier clanged and he looked up to see gears shifting
"Wait,what just happened?"he asked me
"Just hold still.Gimme a second."I told him as the gears were still spinning "In the mechanism there,that's Celestial bronze."
"Oh,fascinating.Cass,what is happening right now?"he asked
"Celestial bronze is what your sword and my pin are made of."I explained "If you're human,it'll pass right through you.If you're monster or a demigod...you're not so lucky."
"Well,what's it doing there?"He asked
"Great question.Safe to say,this is not just some amusement park."I said "A god built this."
"What kind of god build's amusement parks?
"Hephaestus."I said
"Why would Hephaestus build an amusement park?"he asked
"Maybe he finds them amusing?"I joked
"That's really not funny,Cass.And not the time for jokes."He said
"It's a little funny."I said and looked back up at the gears "Oh...Oh look,at that."
"Look at what?"
"That's cool."
"Cassie!"Percy shouted getting my attention
"Just relax.I'm on it."I told him
"Hard to relax when i'm about to die."he said
"Okay.I get it...Just push through it."I said
"What?Are you crazy?"He asked
"Yes,I am,so just push through."I said
"Cause weren't you the one this morning who was all, 'The Fates say one of us is gonna die and we should take it really seriously?' "He rambled really quickly
"Perce."I said
"Just push."I said sternly
He grabbed the bar and pushed through the barrier and made it the other side alive and a little bell dinged.
"What was that?"He asked
"The machine isn't designed to hurt is.It's meant to scare us.It's a test."I told him and pushed through the barrier
The bell rang again but this time it read out the number 002
"Hephaestus wants to know any time one of us comes poking around his playground.And how smart the demigod or monster is depending if they fell for the trick or not.I guess now he knows we are here."I said to Percy and we started to walk through the amusement park


Grover's pov

Me and Annabeth were sat at the table with Ares as he scrolled through his phone laughing at whatever it is the god of war watches.

"I'm going to the toilet."Annabeth said and went to get up
"No no no.How do I know you're not going to run off?"Ares said
"Because the toilets are right there."She said pointing behind us "And I would never leave Grover by himself."
"Fine."he groaned and Annabeth left the table

"We've met before."I said to Ares
"Been around a long time,little boy.I've met a lot of people."He said not even looking up from his phone
"I'm 24."I said
"Good for you."He scoffed
"We met at the solstice.On Olympus"I explained and he sighed
"Oh,I wasn't one of the protestors.I'm a fan."I said
He looked up at me confused "I think you got me mixed up with someone else,kid."
"No I don't."
He put his phone down "Satyrs eat tofu.Satyrs worship flowers. Satyrs sing songs about their feelings.Satyrs are not fans of mine." and he picked up his phone again and started typing
"Satyrs are children of nature.Nature is brutal.Red in tooth and Claw,right?Maybe unpleasant.But that doesn't make it untrue.You are the champion of all of that.I respect it."I told him
"So what are you like,a casual World War II buff?"He asked me "You've seen Saving Private Ryan,have you?"
"I prefer the Turbot War.The Lobster War.The Three Hundred and Thirty-Five Years' War.Your deep cuts."I listed
"Huh.Those are war where hardly anyone died."He said
"I like your mellower stuff.There's something cool about overwhelming force and quick surrender."I said
"No one talks about those anymore."Ares said
"They should."
He leaned forward "So tell me where we met again?" and I smiled

not even the gods [1]// percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now