XXII.I can feel love

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Cassie's pov

Percy went to show Tyson around camp whilst me and Annabeth went to the infirmary so I could get bandaged but.Annabeth spotted a boy sitting on the porch and said she would meet me in there in a few minutes.When I got there it was only Lee and a new camper I hadn't seen beforw
"Well,well,well look who's back."Lee said hugging me
"Yup,haven't been back for 10 minutes and i'm already injured."I laughed
"Here."Lee said handing me a form before grabbing bandages for my arm
"Percy Jackson?Really?"I laughed at the reason for incident being Percy
"That kid was the reason for half the incidents last summer."Lee protested
"Who's Percy?"The boy asked from his chair.He looked around my age and had similar hair to Percy but darker
"Umm,one of the campers here."I said "Who are you?"
"Gabriel Warren,Son Of Hephaestus."He said putting his arm out to shake
"Cassie Young,Daughter of Aphrodite."I said
"Oh explains why your so pretty."He said and I felt my cheeks flush
"Our parents are married you know that right?"I asked him
"Is that a problem?"He flirted
"Umm,sorry to interrupt your flirting but can you fill out your form please,Cass."Lee said
"Yeah,can I put Percy as the reason of incident?"I asked
"Why?"Lee asked worried
"He ran into a battle,with bronze bulls."I said and the two boys stood their in shock "Oh and to make things better,he made me travel here with a cyclops,that is he is friends with."
"Oh shit."Lee said knowing my past with cyclopses and then Annabeth walked in with the boy from the porchZ
"Cassie,meet Arron."Lee said "Arron meet Cassie.This is my new brother."
"Nice to meet you."I said and slid the form over to Lee "Done.See you later."
I grabbed Annabeth's hand and we went to find Chiron.

"So....Arron?"I asked Annabeth smiling at her
"What?"She asked
"You like him."I said in a sing-songy voice
"No I don't."She said defensively
"Annie,whose my mother?"
"Aphrodite...."She said
"Exactly.I can feel love.Or strong feelings."I said "And you,my girl,like Arron."
"It's a small crush."She said
"Ok we'll see where it goes."I said to her

When we got to the Big House, we found Chiron in his apartment, listening to his favourite I960s lounge music while he packed his saddlebags.Percy and Tyson walked in a few seconds after us as I saw Tyson freeze,"Pony!"he cried in total rapture.
Chiron turned, looking offended,"I beg your pardon?"
Annabeth ran up and hugged him,"Chiron, what's happening? You're not...leaving?"Her voice was shaky.
I followed after her hugged him
Chiron was like a second father to us
Chiron ruffled our hairs and gave us a kindly smile.
"Hello,children And Percy,my goodness.You've grown over the year!"
Percy swallowed,"Clarisse said you were...you were..."
"Fired."Chiron's eyes glinted with dark humour. "Ah,well,someone had to take the blame. Lord Zeus was most upset.The tree he'd created from the spirit of his daughter, poisoned! Mr D had to punish someone."
"Besides himself, you mean,"Percy growled
Percy and Mr.D had not started off on a bad note last summer,but to be honest I can't blame Percy,Mr.D could be a pain in the ass.
"But this is crazy!" Annabeth cried,"Chiron,you couldn't have had anything to do with poisoning Thalia's tree!"
"Nevertheless,"Chiron sighed,"some in Olympus do not trust me now,under the circumstances?"
"What circumstances?"Percy asked.
Chiron's face darkened. He stuffed a Latin-English dictionary into his saddlebag while the Frank Sinatra music oozed from his boom box.
Tyson was still staring at Chiron in amazement. He whimpered like he wanted to pat Chiron's flank but was afraid to come closer,"Pony?"
Chiron sniffed"My dear young Cyclops!I am a centaur."
"Chiron,"Percy said."What about the tree?What happened?"
He shook his head sadly,"The poison used on Thalia's pine is something from the Underworld, Percy.Some venom even I have never seen.It must have come from a monster quite deep in the pits of Tartarus!"
"Then we know who's responsible. Kro-"
"Do not invoke the titan lord's name, Percy. Especially not here, not now."
"But last summer he tried to cause a civil war in Olympus! This has to be his idea. He'd get Luke to do it, that traitor."
"I wouldn't put it against him."I agreed with Percy and Annabeth shook her head at me.
"Perhaps." Chiron said,"But I fear I am being held responsible because I did not prevent it and I cannot cure it.The tree has only a few weeks of life left unless..."
"Unless what?"Annabeth asked.
"No"Chiron said,"A foolish thought.The whole valley is feeling the shock of the poison.The magical borders are deteriorating.The camp itself is dying.Only one source of magic would be strong enough to reverse the poison,and it was lost centuries ago!"
"What is it?"Percy asked,"We'll go find it!"
"Yeah.It can't be that hard,we survived the underworld last summer."I agreed
Chiron closed his saddlebag.He pressed the stop button on his boom box. Then he turned and rested his hand on Percy's shoulder,looking him straight in the eyes,"Percy,you must promise me that you-will not act rashly.I told your mother I did not want you to come here at all this summer.It's much too dangerous.But now that you are here, stay here.Train hard. Learn to fight.But do not leave!"
"Why?"he asked,"I want to do something!I can't just let the borders fail.The whole camp will be -"
"Overrun by monsters."Chiron said,"Yes, I fear so.But you must not let yourself be baited into hasty action!This could be a trap of the titan lord. Remember last summer!He almost took your lives"
It was true,but still,we wanted to help so badly.I also wanted to make Kronos pay. I mean, you'd think the titan lord would've learned his lesson aeons ago when he was overthrown by the gods. You'd think getting chopped into a million pieces and cast into the darkest part of the Underworld would give him a subtle clue that nobody wanted him around. But no. Because he was immortal, he was still alive down there in Tartarus - suffering in eternal pain, hungering to return and take revenge on Olympus.
He couldnt act on his own, but he was great at twisting the minds of mortals and even gods to do his dirty work.The poisoning had to be his doing.Who else would be so low as to attack Thalia's tree, the only thing left of a hero who'd given her life to save her friends?
Annabeth was trying hard not to cry. Chiron brushed a tear from her cheek and looked over at me aswell "Stay with Percy,girls.Keep him safe. The prophecy,remember it!"
"I will."I said as I recited it in my head
"Um..."I said,"Would this be the super-dangerous
prophecy that has me in it, but the gods have forbidden you to tell me about?"
Nobody answered him.
"Right,"He muttered,"Just checking."
"Chiron"Annabeth said,"You told me the gods made you immortal only so long as you were needed to train heroes. If they dismiss you from camp..."
"Swear you will do your best to keep Percy from danger,"he insisted,"Swear upon the River Styx."
"I-I swear it upon the River Styx."Annabeth said.
Thunder rumbled outside.
"You too,Cassie."
"I Swear upon the River Styx,I'll protect him."I repeated and thunder rumbled outside again
"Oh shut up!"I said looking up at the sky
"Very well."Chiron said.He seemed to relax just a little.
"Perhaps my name will be cleared and I shall return.Until then,I go to visit my wild kinsmen in the Everglades.It's possible they know of some cure for the poisoned tree that I have forgotten.In any event,I will stay in exile until this matter is resolved...one way or another!"
Annabeth stifled a sob. Chiron patted her shoulder awkwardly,"There,now,child.I must entrust your safety to Mr D and the new activities director.We must hope...well,perhaps they won't destroy the camp quite as quickly as I fear."
"Who is this Tantalus guy, anyway?"I demanded. "Where does he get off taking your job?"
A conch horn blew across the valley. I hadnit realizes how late it was. It was time for the campers to assemble for dinner.
"Go,"Chiron said,"You will meet him at the pavilion.I will contact your mother,Percy.and let her know you're safe.No doubt she'll be wortied by now.And I will tell Christian you have gotten to camp safely,Cassie.Just remember my warning!You are in grave danger.Do not think for a moment that the titan lord has forgotten you!"
With that,he clopped out of the apartment and down the hall,Tyson calling after him,"Pony!Don't go!"
The best teacher I'd ever had was gone,maybe for good.
Tyson started bawling almost as bad as Annabeth and a few tears dropped from my eyes aswell
Percy tried to tell us that things would be okay,but we all knew it wouldn't be.

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