Chapter 1: Press Start

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Riku's POV

They want me to take overtime again?! It's like I'm the only guy who ACTUALLY cares about the overall outcome of the game we're developing!Why even bother hiring an entire team for a game being only made by one or two game developers for the game's actual coding?! I'm so sick and tired of all of this!

With a heavy and an exhausted sigh of disappointment, Oohashi Riku got so fed up that he stormed out from the game company he's working from and went back to his apartment.

When he arrived at his apartment, he flopped on his bed facing forward.

Before he could do anything at all, he heard his phone ring. The caller is his twin sister, Rei Oohashi.

"Hey, bro! How's work?" she said on the other line.

"Ugh. I'm this CLOSE to quitting, sis...."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Yeah. Tons, actually. I've decided to quit work first thing tomorrow. I'm so done with the mistreatment they give in the company. Clearly, some of my co-workers there bought their way in just to get the job.

None of them even helped me in developing our new game! It had a cool concept too. It was turn-based RPG game where the player's choices actually affects the outcome of the game. Guess that's going down the dump along with those ungrateful b*stards...."

Riku's groans muffled as he buried his face on his pillow.

"Damn..For me, I think it would've been great. Mom and Dad would be proud of you if they were still here...."

"Yeah. I'm sure they would be."

"Anyway, why don't you come over to my apartment at 7pm today? Wanna give Revolution a spin again?"

"You're still playing that otome game? I thought you've finished playing that already?"

"Yeah, but I can't stop! My darling awaits!"

"I doubt it's those three princes of whatever kingdom they're from..."

"Ohh you bet! My darling Claire-sama is waiting for me~" Rei says in her lovey-dovey voice that makes her brother cringe slightly.

"Yeah, yeah. No need to gush over her like that. Please stop."

"Huh? You're one to talk! What about that antagonist from that turn-based gacha game you're playing almost everyday that you can't stop talking about?!"

"Okay, you got me there. I'll come visit later. I'll bring some snacks along too."

"Perfect! See ya bro, love you!"

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too, sis..."

Riku hungs up his phone and got out from his bed to change clothes.

(Riku/Reggie's appearance is basically the male counterpart of Rei/Rae but taller)

About thirty minutes or so, Oohashi Riku has arrived at his sister's apartment complex, only a few blocks from his.


"What's the password?"

"Seriously, Rei?! It's me!"

"Yeah, I know hehe~"

Riku sighs in disbelief as his sister opens the door and welcomes her brother to her apartment.

"Hey, bro! I'll take these off you."

"Thanks, sis. You wouldn't believe what happened today."

"Oh I do. Honestly, I can say the same about the small business company I'm working from..."

"Did you do overtime again? You should really ask them for an early leave from work. You know that you have a health condition, right?" Riku says as he sat at the living room couch in his sister's apartment.

"Yeah, but if I don't, I won't be able to afford this apartment space and my beloved games..." Rei pouted, trying to make her brother feel bad.

"Yeah, right. If only my work isn't on the other end of the city, I would've scolded you about your videogames." Riku sighs and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"I'm sure you immediately play those gacha games when you get off from work early. We're just the same!" Rei continues to pout and cross her arms, imitating her brother.

"We're twins, Rei-Rei. We're one and the same." Riku chuckles softly and smiles at his sister.

"Whatever. Let's just eat now, okay? I'm starving!"

"Sure. I'll grab the plates and the utensils." Riku said as he playfully pat his sister on the head.

"I-Im not a kid anymore, baka!"

"Yeah, yeah. Even though you're five minutes younger than me~"

Rei gets flustered and frowns at her brother as he went to the kitchen and brought out the plates and cutlery.

"About damn time! I haven't had pizza in a while!"

"Well, today's your lucky day. I guess it's both for us at least."

Rei nods as she sets up the mini table in her living room and placed the box of pizza in the middle as her older twin brother, Oohashi Riku, places the plates and cutlery down.

"Oh! Almost forgot about the soda!" Rei cheerfully says as she rushed to the fridge and grabbed a 1.5 liter of soda and placed it on the table along with cups.

As the two siblings ate and talked about their day and the struggles they faced daily at their workplaces, the older brother, Riku was the first one to speak as they shifted from one topic to another.

"I think it would be great if we can switch genders at the start of the game."

Riku says as he booted up Revolution, the otome games with loads of content. Making it one of the best and most successful otome games ever made.

"Yeah, I agree and also add some of the female side characters as possible dating routes. Oh, Claire-sama~" Rei said in a dreamy tone and clasped her hands together.

After only a few minutes into the game, Riku was already feeling tired and exhausted for some reason. His eyes became droopy and his vision began to blur as a static sound can be heard around him.

"Rei..? I don't...feel so..."

I Was Reincarnated In An Otome Game With My Sister  (IFILWTV x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now