go with the flow | Pearl & Grian

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Cg: Grian
Little: Pearl
Prompt: Pearl is overtired and won't take a break so grian has to come to the rescue! (s8)

Pearl always cared for the other littles on the server, you give her a name, she most likely has cared for them, Mumbo, Scar, Bdubs, Gem, Grian.

This time, Grian thought that Pearl should be the one to be taken care of. He remembered about a while back that Pearl said she hadn't regressed in months since she was often in her caregiver space. And her sleep deprived self wouldn't give herself a break from staying up til 5am or waking up at 3am to build so Grian's option was himself.

He flew over to Pearl's boat and found her fixing the creeper explosion for the- what? 4th? 5th? time this season.
"Pearl, this is an emergency! you are sleep deprived aand need care!" Grian announced "Grian, I told you, I don't mind not regressing" Pearl replied to her brother "Who said anything about regressing, being taken care of doesn't mean you have to regress" Grian explained "But buillding..." the moth hybrid whined "My starter house now" Grian asserted but not a slight bit of anger in his voice could be heard. Pearl complied to the demand but to annoy Grian, she walked to the starter house. "PEARLLLL" He whined this time "Whaaat" she giggled.

When she got to the house, she found a note pad and some ink pens to doodle because if there was no notepad, the doodles would've ended up on her and just with no ink pen, that would be alot of paper planes.
"What would you like to eat?" Grian asked "Just fruit, thank you, my favourites are sweetberries" She winked at him. Quickest way to get her to regress was the sweetness of fresh fruit and sweetberries and deep down inside her, she did want to regress.

After eating the fruit bowl Grian gave her, her dooddles started to make less sense and got more doodles on her hands than on paper. When she got bored of drawing, she started whining, no words, just whimpering sounds. "What's wrong mothling?" Grian asked, there was no answer, still just whines and a small flutter of her wings "Are you tired of drawing?" He asked, Pearl nodded and smiled. "Hmm, what would a little mothling like... I know they like to be warm" Grian thought out loud, the flutter of her wings let a small buzzing sound out which made her and Grian giggle "Well, i think the only way to get my mothling warm is with blankies, a very soft bed and a warm light" He thought out loud once again. The buzzing sound from Pearls wings became louder and her smile wider.

Grian switched off most of the lights except for the one by the bed, which let off heat and Pearl was easily drawn to and fluttered to plop onto the bed. Once she was installed comfortably, not hurting her wings and such, she made a grabby hands movement towards grian "You want a stuffie? Paci? Blanket? Book? Drink? Chewie?" all of these recieved a shaken head of Pearl, although she did hesitate on th stuffie and the paci. "Oh! Cuddles?" and that got an eager nod "I can do that, I just need to tidy... who am I kidding! I can do it tomorrow" Grian thought out loud (He infact did not tidy the next day) "Wan paci n stufi baba" Pearl asked, she didn't like her little voice much but she knew Grian didn't mind nor cared what anyone's little voice sounded like. "Of course sweetpea, Give baba a minute, you know how unorganized I am" Grian half jokingly said, he found a lunar moth stuffy and a dark blue pacifier adorned with a moon, stars and two small moth wings made out of clay.

Grian gave his little one her items and hopped on the bed to cuddle with her. "Nothing else you want?" He confirmed with her. Pearl nuzzled against him and shook her head.

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