Cookies first successful mission

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A/N: after two years being an Octonauts, her and Shellington got to share laboratory bedroom together, and share a closet together, she didn't like the idea at first she was against and agitated, Shellington told her that it'll be fine and maybe they can bond

Cookie didn't like the idea of bonding, she had her own bed similar enough to Shellington's Murphy bed, -night time- Cookie was walking around the hallway crying, Kwazzi just left the kitchen he sees her, Kwazzi: "hey what's the problem?" Cookie: "Oh nothing just a stupid nightmare that's all (lie)"

Shellington wakes up and sees Cookie wasn't in her bed, he starts looking for her like crazy,
He quietly screams out her name, then he hears her voice along with another, he sees Kwazzi with her, Shellington: "cookie! There you are you had me worried"

He pulls her into a hug, Shellington: "are you hurt?, sick?, why are you crying?" His father instinct kicked in, Cookie shook her head no she told him that woke up from a nightmare obviously a lie but he doesn't know that,

Shellington: "let's go to bed" he and Cookie went back to laboratory bedroom, Cookie falls asleep, Shellington lays in bed with her like any dad would do he falls asleep a well, -morning-
It was 10am in the morning everyone was up and working or doing something else

Cookie reading a book in the library,
Shellington(speaker): "Cookie I need you in the launch bay" Cookie heads to the launch bay, CB: "Cookie today is your first time going on a research mission with Shellington"

Cookie: "😧....are you sure I don't feel ready for something responsible like that"
Shellington: "you'll be fine I'll be with you"
Cookie took a deep breath 😮‍💨, Cookie: "alright I'm ready" they left, Cookie: "so what are we doing?" Shellington: "I need to look for blue algae it's way more rare than red and green algae"

Cookie: "wow" Cookie looks outside seeing corals, fishes swimming, posts of sea plants and shells, -10 minutes later arriving-
Shellington and Cookie: "Jumping Jellyfish!"

Cookie: "now that a lot of blue algae" Shellington wore his rubber gloves, and eye goggles 🥽, Cookie: "Is it bad?" Shellington: "it's very dangerous for everyone including the creatures and plants that live in the ocean"

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Cookie: "now that a lot of blue algae" Shellington wore his rubber gloves, and eye goggles 🥽, Cookie: "Is it bad?" Shellington: "it's very dangerous for everyone including the creatures and plants that live in the ocean"

Cookie: "if you were to touch by accident or it fell on you what would happen"
Shellington: "symptoms: diarrhea, nausea or vomiting; skin, eye or throat irritation; and allergic reactions or breathing difficulties,
increased incidence of liver cancers or chronic liver damage and diseases"

Cookie: "is there a cure like antibiotics for the blue algae from getting worse in the body"
Shellington shook his head no, Shellington: "our main boss at National Seao-graphic wants me send them test results from the blue algae so other scientists can do whatever they can to make the antibiotics"

Cookie: "but your also a scientist not just a Marine Biologist" Shellington: "I only know half of what they do their a lot better and have way more knowledge and equipment than I could ever imagine but I do what can"

Cookie knows that Shellington tries his best to proof himself, she can see that he tries to hard, there are times where she hears him crying at night, saying that he's a disgrace, a disappointment, a failure, a loser, at one point she heard him saying that why does have to be autistic,

-after gathering the blue algae-

They headed back to the octopod, and Shellington and Cookie started working, he worked for 12 hours straight it was 1am he ate nothing, his stomach was growling like crazy, Cookie is in the kitchen eating lunch
-after testing-
Shellington finally got the test results back,

He calls the head office of National Seao-graphics industry, her name is Ms. Yuri
As they talked Cookie comes in with some sandwiches and glass of orange juice for him
Shellington: "I'm sending you the results right now and I'm also send ways to get of the algae and lastly the location of the algae"

After she got the results, the location of the algae and the information on how to get rid of the blue algae she is surprised on how he got this much information,

Ms. Yuri: "thanks Shellington for your help with this, I'm glad that your on the team, I'm glad I made the right choice and I don't regret it, you may be mentally different from the others but you have potential"

Shellington: "if it weren't for Cookies help that is" Ms.Yuri: "she's a great kid, tell her I said thanks for the help, the both of you did a wonderful job anyways bye" she hangs up,

Cookie comes inside, Cookie: "I brought you lunch" Shellington; "thanks kid" Shellington ate the 4 sandwiches and drank the cup of orange juice, Cookie: "how long have you been here?" Shellington: "I came here when I was 19 I am 23 years old now so...four years"

Cookie: "Wow" Shellington and Cookie have most things in common with each other, but there is one thing that they have in common with is their past, Shellington has never told anyone about his past childhood neither has Cookie, will they reveal their past secret soon?

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