Musical mayhem

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With the finishing note, a short silence later, everyone began to clap, cheer, and whistle, chanting even.

Sayaka tackled me into a tight hug happily laughing.

"Lyn that was fucking amazing!"The hug tightened with an appereciated smile on my face.

"Thank you dearly, Saya it means alot really, but.."

I trailed off halfway of the sentence, taking my microphone out again to tell my final annoucment for the show.

"I really thank you all for coming! Expect my favourite of this show is. I quit!"



Sayaka glared over my shoulder intensly at Marie soon, I felt a presence behind my back already expecting them to be appearing the second I said the words they hated to hear.

"The FUCK are you talking about Williams?!"

He shouted, some of his disgusting spit making its way on my face.

My smile still remaining strongly, "I mean i quit! Im done with this hellhole" Leaving a faint smile on my face.

"You fucking. Ungrateful. Brat!"

Right as he was about to do anything, two people came from behind him, ripping him away from me and Sayaka.

"Nice timing you two," I said, As Asa then replied in an annoyed way "sorry, fans somehow caught us and they were a nightmare-"

My boss cut him off with a manical laugh of his, "Oh so you have sugar daddies now lyn? Fuckin' pathethic, fits you perfectly!"

His laugh bursting out, now more loud, and irritating.

"Shut it fuckrag!"

They barked at him only for his laughter to continue, thinking of everything she said is just some silly stupid joke.

"HA! the fuck are you gonna do you're nothing less then lyn-lyn over there"

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