sometimes death is the only way out (3)

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The dates fly bye this moring as Joel walks into school heading up the stairs into tutor he notices Mr Rogers isn't there it's a substitute *that's weird mabye he's off sick but when has Mr Rogers ever missed a day* Joel sits down next to ameila and ameila glances at him "hey Joel do you have any ideas where Mr Rogers might be he normally is in every day this is weird" Joel shakes his head and looks straight ahead out the window "no I have no clue let's just enjoy this while it lasts" ameila smiles and nods "yeah we should at least no reading this moring" Joel smiles back "yeah the book theif is getting pretty boring like come on I know it's placed in ww2 but liesel and death I'm not enjoying it nothing interesting ever happens" ameila looks around the room then to the whiteboard "mhm your right we haven't even done anything yet I don't even think the sub has taken the register" suddenly the sub face seems to contort to shock then sadness then a small amount of fear "kids everybody line up your missing first lesson head down to the hall there's some news.." everybody in the room started muttering about what could possibly be going on Joel and ameila seem to go completely silent as there separated by the herds of other students Joel ends up on a more empty corridor as he's separated by everybody *something feels wrong* Joel eyes flash around the corridor *just like the dream* the boy's breathing becomes more rapid and he quickly rushes out the corridor back on track with everybody he sits down in the hall he's with random people the dream flashes in Joel's mind again as the head teacher stands among the students putting her hand up as other students follow eventually all the mutters of what could be happening silence and the headteacher sighs the saddened looks on the teachers faces is strange the headteacher walks around the hall pacing "as some students know Mr Rogers isn't here today we normally wouldn't share this information with students but it feels we are needed to it appears that Mr Rogers has committed suicide he hung himself but the stool he used was to low so he was slowly left to suffocate we are all very sorry to inform everybody this but why he did it we can't share but if anybody notices anybody acting weird please report to the closest teacher and if a teacher is acting weird then try and keep distance alright students you may head to your first lessons" a endless chattering fills the hall "he's dead no way" "why would he do that" "we got to miss first lesson" "bro got tired of being ginger" Joel looks around at the students and just dosent react he can't for some reason it's like his mind is in a different place this all feels quite surreal he's not shocked by the death or saddened but something feels wrong his fight and flight reflex is screaming at him to escape but he can't trapped in a building filled with teachers and students and god knows what's really going on everybody is acting so scared teachers can't stop letting there eyes dart around the room like there going to get murdered something isn't right a buzzing fills Joel's ears then it all just stops as the reality of the room fades back in for the boy he stands up following some of his other classmates it's a Friday so history right *where is ameila I haven't seen her since she could of went home mabye the news made her really sad that's probably it yeah* sir let's the students in one by one stressing everybody out soon everyone is sat in there seats and writting the date and title in there books Jacob is here scribbling down in his book he got separated from most of the class because he spoke in to many lessons left to sit all alone Joel can't focus on much of the work hes just staring Jacob looks quite pretty with the sun on his face just looking down in his book his eyes slowly tracing the paper as he writes Joel snaps out of his lovesick trance sir rakes the register but the order is all messed up compared to other lessons Joel takes a deep breath "here sir" soon the teacher is rambling on about history and the genocide of the Jews "2 of the most famous Jewish death camps were auschwitz and treblinka aushchwitz was open to April 1940 to January 1945 and treblinka was open to July 1942 to November 1943 treblinka was in Poland and aushchwitz was in Poland aswell there were a total of 6 million Jews killed in the holocaust they were mostly killed in gas Chambers or mass shooting operations or and though deliberate privation disease and brutal treatment they mostly killed woman and children due to them having no use and not being able to work approximately 2.7 million Jews were murdered at killing centers about 2 million were murdered in mass shooting operations between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Jews were killed in the ghettos 250,000 Jews were murdered in other acts of violence treblinka murdered about 925,000 Jews and aushchwitzs murdered about 1,000,000 everybody wrire that down" Joel scribbles it down in his book his eyes trialing over to Jacob once in a while soon the lesson ends soon it's break time all the students rush outside some going to the cafeteria to buy cookies drinks and other snacks the boy walks around outside finding Jacob rather quickly and they start talking "oh hey Joel see your not sick today" Joel dosent look so amused "I see you're not looking so ugly today" Jacob claps his hands together "that's the best insult you've got wow I'm so offended" the shorter among the boys roles his eyes "to a more serious topic Mr Rogers death what do you think of it like why would he hang himself he had no reason to he seemed fine in almost every tutor" Jacob shrugs his shoulders "I'm not that sure really but whatever the reason was it must of been deep like hanging yourself isn't a everyday choice i wonder what could of happened" Joel nods "I do to hey wanna try and find out" Jacob folds his arms "and what would that imply doing?" Joel smiles "oh nothing much we could go into the ict room at lunch and dig though some school files the teachers seem to know so they probably documented it" the taller boy dosent seem all that impressed "and are you trying to do a speed run to get us both expelled" Joel seems to freeze for a second and glares up at the boy "not if we don't get caught I mean come on I know how to work computers it's not like were going to find out something completely traumatising so stop being a chicken and agree" Jacob chuckles to himself and smiles "alright alright I'm in I'll do it but if you get us in trouble I'll make sure you regret" Joel puts his hands on his hips and looks quite arrogant "oh wow so scary what could you do" Jacob starts walking "more then you think see you at lunch" Joel waves bye then heads inside upstairs up to his own tutor he's the last one to enter the room is filled with questions of why and what happened some students couldn't care less some students care ameila must of really been sent home she's not in her seat Joel pulls his seat out from under the table and sits down lowering his bag his eyes going over to the sub who's started taking the register soon they finish the endless line of names and decide to put on a video since there's not really much to say to the tutor group the video is about a apprenticeship as a engineer the group quiets down and starts watching the video soon the 15 minute tutor ends now maths *just great kill me* Joel heads down to maths and walks in grabbing his whiteboard and pen and sitting down and starts doing the do it now the math questions make less sense then Christianity and that says a lot (no hate to Christian people please don't track me down) *ugh I'm so bored what even is this gibberish is this even English* Joel just stares out the window as miss takes the register not paying much attention to anything around him slowly letting his mind trail of to a land of nonsense and something what would seem better then sitting in this maths lesson miss starts explaing how to turn decimals into fractions "right so say you have 1/2 and you need to turn it into a decimal first you would divide by the numerator so 1 and then the denominator so 2 so 1/2= 1÷2 so you'd do the bus stop method how many 2s go into 1 that's right none so you'd make it a decimal so you would cross out the 1 and put 0 then place a dot so 0. Then you carry the 1 so the 0 would be 10 how many 2s go into 10 5 so it would be 0.5 so 1/2=0.5 does everybody understand that?" *absolutely not but ima act like I do* everybody in the room nods and gets working soon the torment ends and now it's English what should of been Mr Rogers lesson Joel walks though sherwood into Rufford down the stairs then into Hardwick into H21 and takes his seat next to Jacob because the sub dosent know the seating plan the substitute trys to do the lesson but everybody is messing about throwing things screaming yelling talking soon the head teacher storms in and gets mad "It is dissopointing how this class can behave so bad in the room a dead person used to work in have some respect miss if they behave worse I'll be right around the corner" the substitute nods and soon it's lunch Joel sneaks over to the ict lab and Jacob is soon there they both sneak in checking nobody is around closing the blind to the door and locking it Joel walks over to the teachers computer and with not much work gets in Joel smiles in pride "ha to easy now we just have to see what we can find on Mr Rogers death I still don't understand why he would hang himself he seemed so happy" Jacob stares at the screen then glances at Joel "I do to hey what if this information is something terrible also I swear if somebody trys to get in here we will be so fucked like I don't mind getting a isolation or detention but I kinda am not in the mood to be expelled so don't mess up" Joel looks though emails "oh somebody sounds like there going to chicken out nothing is going to happen" Joel's smile fades when he comes across a email "Jacob look" Jacob walks over and lingers behind Joel on the computer Joel shivers slightly as he feels Jacobs breath on his neck but they have a a Misson Jacob eyes widen "what the fuck.." Joel dosent say anything in reply and starts reading out the email "I'm sorry to inform you but Mr Rogers has been found dead after being brutally murdered by somebody his body was found with multiple stab wounds and skinned and multiple cigarette burns were found on his skin the toxology report found a neurotoxin in his blood and many other drugs like Rohypnol commonly known as the date rape drug and others like like bisoprolol and heparin police belive it was to prolong death and suffering we will lie to the students and tell them it was a suicide from hanging he was found by his wife what called the police the body had been dead for over 12 hours which rigor mortis had begun acouring there were no signs of a break in so police assume the culprit was let in that's all we know updates will be sent out" Joel and Jacob share a moment of silence just looking at the email "he was murdered oh my god that's horrible how could anybody do anything so sick" Joel says this with disgust almost dripping from his voice to which Jacob just nods "let's just get out here" Joel closes the computer and they both quickly run out the computer lab and head straight to English just looking at each other the entire time not saying a single word soon they sit Down them being the first ones in the classroom the substitute notices the sick looks on there faces but dosent mention it soon the English lesson contuines and ends Joel grabs his bag putting it on his back then heading upstairs into Newstead for religious studies sir let's them in letting them grab there pens and books as they all sit down sir starts on the register going though each name then starting the lesson it's on equality Joel can't even hear sirs voice *did I just drag me and Jacob into a mess oh god what is going to happen nothing is going to happen as long as nobody else finds out yeah we will be fine it's not like this is going to turn out to be something unimaginable* Joel looks at sir rambling on about equality *what if sir is next wait what am I thinking god this is getting to my head I'm sure a night of rest will get this out of my head nothing is going to happen once again* sir held everybody behind for the lesson and everybody heads out rushing down the stairs and out the school for dear life soon Joel waves Jacob goodbye and heads home finally this day of torment is over

(2356 words)

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