Jealousy part 1

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I woke up feeling exhausted, it was time for school...Again.

I do sometimes like school but waking up early is not my thing.

I got ready and eat and went to school. I went to sit did my math and felt sleepy.

I guess sleeping at 3am is not a good thing. But I can't help but look at the ceiling and think about how handsome you are.

I looked at you. Guess it wasn't the right thing to do.

I saw you talking to the girl that I hate the girl that I envy.

But she was so pretty many boys like her. I guess I was just another girl.

The way you just look at her makes me feel indignant. She makes me feel unsure...inhibited.

I didn't think much of it cause I didn't want it to be such a show. Plus we're just friends nothing more than that. But the feelings I felt  are hard.

I gaze at you just how you look at her and how she looks at you. I think that she likes you.

It's time for lunch. My friend was talking to you Aria. Im ok with her talking to you but something feels weird but I didn't think much of it.

The bell rang and we have to go out I hanged out with my friends and you played basketball.

Gosh why are you so good playing I could watch you all day.

Copied some of your moves.

Bell rang now it's time to go in and have language,language is boring but I like writing.

in a few minutes it's time for PE.

                                   ~time skip~

It's time for PE, I played volleyball and you played basketball, damn why are u so good at playing?

I got tired of playing volleyball my wrists hurts. I sat down and watch you play, you rolled up your shirt to your shoulders, I watch you play until PE is over.

For a moment I didn't remember you talking to girls I guess I just zoned out because of how handsome you look...

But I'm still thinking about it...

My friend likes you.

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