chapter 2. bitten

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warning: this chapter has a bit violance

Still 3rd person's pov:

Doni, lynix, and liger looked behind them. Doni stoped and started following the Sound out of coriousity, while the others on the other hand yelled at him to stop and come.
"Doni! You might get hurt, come over here you dumbass!" Lynix yelled loudly at doni, but doni didn't care and looked into the darkness, just to see notching

"Eh, notching's here guys there's no need to worry about" doni said with a chuckle but liger and lynix still didn't feel safe. "Still, we still can get hurt" liger said with seriousness in his voice. "What? Are you guys scareeed?" Doni mocked them, he didn't notice that something Was aproaching him from behind. He chuckled and turned around to look into the darkness once again, this time he saw some Red glowing eyes looking at him from the distance and it was getting closer. Before doni could even react that figure strangled him to the ground and started attacking him. Lynix and liger stared in schock and suprise, liger reacted fast and ran towards doni and tried getting the weird looking figure off of him. "LYNIX WE NEED SOME HELP HERE!!" liger yelles angrily at lynix, lynix schaked his head and took out his sword, still in schock and he also tried to get the weird looking thing off of him. They managed to get that zombie like thing off of doni and lynix thankfully managed to kill it. The corpse of the zombie is now on the ground now no sign of life, lynix and liger quickly checked up on doni. "Dude, are you alright bro!?" Liger asked with worry.

Doni was covered in scratches and bruises, he was also holding his arm and the others couldn't see what was wrong with it. "Are you alright..? You Look terrible.." "does it LOOK like i'm alright!?" Doni yelled angrily, there was some pain hidden in his voice. He was shaking and twitching. "Lets get you home.. we told you not to go there.!" Liger yelled sounding worried and they helped doni go home. "Lets go to bionic's house.. he'll know what to do." After hearing lynix say that liger froze in place and looked at lynix with anger. "To that guy's house!? No way!" Liger screamed. "Can you stop screaming for god sakes.." lynix said annoyed.

After a while they finally reached bionic's home and knocked at the door.

Bionic's pov:

I was just making a new diamond sword After i stole diamonds from kiply's house, heh she won't know. "Oh this looks so sussy baka! Its beautiful.." bionic admired it but i stoped when he hears loud knocking at his door. I stoped doing what i was doing and sighed in annoyance "oh what now.." i complained, i just won't open the door, whoever it was will just go away. Right? The knocking just got more louder until it turned into banging, oh nevermind whoever this bitch was really needing something.

I walked to the door and opened it angrily. "WHAT!?" I yelled but stoped After i saw three of my friends at my doorstep, lynix, liger, and doni.. ofcourse.. "are you guys here to annoy me?" I asked with coldness in my voice. I then noticed that doni looked like he was literally dying. My annoyance faded away and i stood there in schock. "Woahh.. what the hell happened-?" "I will explain when you finally let us into your house.." lynix said impatiently while holding doni, I opened the door wider for them to walk in and i closed it then back shut.

I aproached doni and looked at his wounds with schock, there was this one wound on his arm that looked like a bite Mark. I couldn't see it exactly because he was holding it. "Can you help him in any way?" "Only After you explain.." i responded coldly once again. "He got Attacked by a zombie." Liger said dry and random. Well that was short.. i expected a longer explaination. "Uhm okay..? Uh.. let me see what i can do.." i took out some bandages and told them to get out so i can talk to doni alone. After they left i started bandaging doni up. After a while i have now bandaged every wound except the one on his arm.. "doni.. can you remove your arm so i can heal it?" Doni rolled his eyes and removed his arm, it was a bite Mark. I didn't mind about it that much and started to slowly bandage that um too.

While doing it doni squirmed in pain, i tried to be gentle with him since it was hurting that much. I finally bandaged all of his wounds up and asked him "how do you feel?" I waited for a answer but it took pretty long for him to answer for some reason.. ,"better, thanks i guess.." he said dryly and got off of the bed and wanted to leave but i stoped him "not so fast man!" He looked at me, not having the usual annoying troll smile on his face.

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
For some reason nobody really got a notification about me releasing this book.. i think. I think my wattpad is lagging. Anyways sorry if there is any grammer mistakes!
I hope you guys have a amazing day/night!
I love you all so much!

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 •°Donibobes fanfic • HORROR °•Where stories live. Discover now