Chapter 3. Class president, and a new friend?

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The one day your aunt couldn't drive you to school and you decided to walk/web sling ther

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The one day your aunt couldn't drive you to school and you decided to walk/web sling ther.
'What the fuck.' You thougt, I mean damn it's so early and your just trying to get to class and you can barely get the mob of people trying to interview us. Before you could sling yourself up so you could get in quicker with less problem, a woman shoved her microphone towards you and started rapidly asking so many questions, you just pointed to your headphones as a sign that you couldn't hear her and rushed out of the convo by saying
"uh can't hear you sorry, but I've really gotta go to class" you waved goodbye and swung up towards the gate and swung through, you could feel people taking pictures and you were just happy they wouldn't get a good picture due to you speed (you ate that up girl), AND that you wore some shorts underneath your skirt because damn the skirts are short, it would be so much easier to just wear leggings but, uniform is uniform and your already not wearing it correctly by wearing your fav shoes with it and a hoodie underneath the blazer.
Walking through the halls you were blasting a random playlist whilst lowkey dancing as your walking, being in your own imagination, you bumped into someone and stumbled back a little by them being taller, you took out your headphones and looked up to the guy
"I'm so sorry, that was all my fault"
"Watever, just move outa my way so I can go to my class" he says. damn. And you know what you were not letting that guy have that, I mean maybe he was just tired, he looked like he hadn't slept for days, so you slung a web at him and pulled him back to you, "hey look, really im sorry that I bumped into you, but what's your problem? I mean, are you okay, really because the way-" he cut you off as you were speaking, "look just go back to 1A and leave me alone, you think your all better than us anyway" as he talks you get a better look at him, purple hair, purple eyes, a cute face, one you'll definitely remember- "hello?" He asks, "sorry, you just, have really nice eyes." He was taken aback, damn has this guy never been complimented, you smiled as you noticed a small blush on his cheeks, "um.. thanks, your quirk is or whatever."
"Wait, you know who I am?"
"Who doesn't, you're SpiderMan's daughter, and you live with Midnight, so yeah, pretty sure everyone knows who you are, and I uh heard what happened with your father, your pretty brave." 
"Thanks.. uhhh?"
You were just about to catch his name when the bell rang and you had to go to class, it's weird that you were both going to be early but hey, if you weren't then you wouldn't have met him, whoever he was. "Gotta go, but I'll find you at lunch okay?" You say whilst turning back to walk to 1A knowing your nowhere near.

"Hey unc" you walk into the class and say to aizawa, "your late" he says sternly "sorry, made a friend tho, i think?" You say confusing him and yourself. "Whatever," he ruffles your hair, "go sit down."

When everyone was seated aizawa told everyone that for this lesson, we had to decide class rep, and everyone way completely gushing over it, but the thought of it had you wanting to go invisible, it's not that you were introverted, I mean you could be sometimes, but that wasn't the case, it just didn't seem that important to you, like you had other things to focus on, and plus a lot of other people would do better than you, I mean heck bakugou could probably do better than you. I'm pretty sure shoto was on the same page too, with how crazy everyone was acting, you looked over and stared at him with wide eyes and eyebrows bunched, you knew he could tell any of your facial expressions, he'd learnt pretty much everything about you when you were kids. in the end everyone just decided on a vote, and you voted for momo, I mean after working with her yesterday you knew she'd be a perfect rep.

When lunch came around, you did what you said and went to find the purple haired boy, however before you left the class you heard a loud voice call your name "hey web head, where ya going?" Followed by, "yeah n/n are you not eating with us today?" From your bae Mina.
"I can't sorry, I have to find someone but catch up later yeah?" You said as you started focusing on heightening your senses to find him, having heightened senses were pretty helpful sometimes, but could also be a real headache. Once you spotted him in the cafeteria walking to sit somewhere, you walked up to him "hey, you never told me your name?" You stared up and smirked, the look on his face was surprised, like he didn't actually think you were going to find him like you said you would, "I told you I'd find you." You smiled even more looking down, the two of you found a table and sat alone, once you were sat he stared, then laughed a little , "shinso, Hitoshi Shinso" you smiled back and shook his hand "parker, y/n parker, but just call me y/n or n/n, everyone does."
"Okay y/n" and after chatting a while about pretty much a lot of things, he seemed quite closed off but warmed up to you as you carried on speaking, you were now on the topic of the movie Donnie Darko, one of both of your favourite films, you were both bingewatchers which was something in common. "Hey I'm sorry about how I acted this morning, i didnt mean to be rude, it's just, people don't usually like or, want, to talk to me, so when you pulled me back I was thinking you were just going to make fun of me or something"
"It's okay, im sorry you've been treated like that, really, honestly I think your quirk is pretty cool." There was a comfortable silence for a moment while you both ate, "OH an by the way, wether you like it or not, we're friend now" you waved your finger back and forth between the two of you as he just chuckled and rubbed his neck, when suddenly, the bell rang.
" why are we always getting disrupted by that bell, like, is this going to happen every time we talk?" You ask him as everyone starts to panic and your told to evacuate the building.

With everyone pushing, you lost him, you shouted his name and could hear him say yours before you completely lost him. There would be no point in going to the teachers office as no one would be there right now, oh hell nah. You were not getting trampled on in this, you sling yourself up to the roof and crawled to the walls, seeing Iida start to float your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he called of for you to stick him to the emergency exit so that just incase, he wouldn't fall, you nodded and flung a big web at him while he called for everyone to calm down.

Later on, when everyone was back into the class, he thanked you profusely and you assured him it was no problem, and everyone decided he was fit for rep whilst Mina behind you was asking what you were doing at lunch, you told her about a friend you made, "hmmmm okay well don't cheat on me and get a better best friend okay?"
"Baby cakes I would never" you replied dramatically.

When the day had finished you waited a while after school for your aunt so you were with your uncle mic, Aizawa was asleep of course and even slept through you guys awfully singing and him asking you every question possible about your start. When you told him you had to go because your aunt was waiting in her car for you, he got teary eyed and hugged you, you hugged back "AWWWW MY LITTLE LISTENER IS GROWING UP SO FAST. YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE NEICE, AND MY ONLY SO STOP GROWING SO QUICKLY" he always made you laugh, you loved that he was a goofy guy.

"HI AUNTY" you said as you got into the car, "hey hun, how was your day?" You told her about shinso and the trespass alert, and she said she was there for that but she wasn't there the whole day, she also told you her concerns about the walll being decayed. It was pretty strange, "oh by the way, we're getting takeout, I haven't been grocery shopping yet but I will tomorrow" you grinned "fine with me" as she drove you to McDonald's, you got your food and went home.

A few hours later, you felt tired and decided to listen to some music, maybe even a nap, you put in your headphones and continued the playlist that you had on in the morning, it was pretty chill, then "answer" by Tyler the creator came on, the lyrics "I'd like to tell my gramma but, she's just nostalgia, I'll call her number but she won't answer" always made you cry a little, when your dad died, and you were moving to your aunts you made sure you had his phone, you would go on there and look at pictures and videos he had of you and him, or him and your mom, etc. your aunt knew about this but never said anything, i guess nothing to say, but it just made her upset knowing you were sad and she understood and was/is always there for you, there had been countless times you cried to her, or with her, but she'd admired how far you've come. And as your playlist became background noise, you fell asleep.

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