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Juniper walked quickly to the great hall, racing to get in front of her friends.

"If i don't eat anything, i might just die" she groaned loudly. Huffing extra loud whenever a group of younger students were walking slowly in front. "You would think people would have the decency to move out the way if they are walking slow, like hello" she complained yet again.

Dorcas sped up to her brunette friend to calm her down, "Look babe, we will get to the hall eventually, and even so, we will still have to wait for the sorting."
"OH how could i forget" Juniper gasped, eventually slowing down to a more reasonable pace, with a pout resting on her lips.

The sorting had gradually became tiresome after about third year. So that being said, to keep it entertaining every year they played a guessing game of which infant would go where.

"Oooo i think he will go into Slytherin, he looks quite snake like don't you think?" June nudged Alice next to her, as a boy named Silas Fawney got called up.

"No way, he looks more like a Ravenclaw if you ask me".
Just as he was about the reach the top step, he stubbed his toe and fell flat on his face. Juniper burst into a fit of giggles alongside her friends, almost forgetting that everyone else in the great hall could hear them. With some poor attempts at feigning straight faces, the girls settled down as the boy took his seat at Slytherin.

"HA, i was so right. Why do i have to be good at everything" she smirked at Alice who just rolled her eyes.

Juniper felt the weird sensation of being watched, but as she moved her gaze around the room, no one met her eye. Weird.

The loud sound of chatter drew her from her thoughts, the long awaited feast had started and her friends were excitedly helping themselves.

"Finally" Juniper grinned at Mary who was shaking her head. She piled food on her plate not really caring how greedy she must look from an outside perspective, Euphemia had always said that she had eyes bigger than her stomach, even when she was a toddler.

Clearly she had something on her face because Dorcas, Mary and Alice were all smiling at her creepily. 
She had been so engaged with her food that she had failed to notice Barney Woodall, a boy in their year, standing behind her.

"Hey Juniper, i was wondering if i could talk to you for a minute" The girl practically jumped out her skin feeling quite startled. So that's what the girls had been smiling at.

He had a sheepish smile gracing his face as he swiftly apologised for scaring her.
"Woodall, long time no see" she said with a polite smile. He flushed bashfully as he struggled with what to say, and to make matters worse Juniper could hear her friends coughing and giggling next to her.

She rolled her eyes slowly at their dramatics, feeling the need to apologise to the poor boy. Barney Wood was an absolute catch, he had soft brown eyes, curly hair and a gorgeous set of dimples that had girls fangirling over him.
Except he really paid them no attention, his main focus being quidditch. Which is why it was a great shock to everyone when he pulled out a small flower from his pocket.

She instantly blushed as she realised what was about to happen.

"I was just wondering Juniper" he looked up shyly whilst touching his neck. Clearing his throat again as if he was struggling to spit it out, "i was just wondering if you would maybe... go to Hogsmeade with me on the first trip of the year".

She stared at him in shock. She had always found Barney very endearing, admittedly having a small crush on him over the school years. But this was so unexpected, the first day back without her brothers and she had already been asked on a date. Most boys had been scared of by them annoyingly.

Dorcas tapped her arm "Are you going to answer the poor boy or not Junie?" A sheepish smile grew on June's face "I would..... love to Barney". The boy's face split into a blinding grin, pressing the flower into the palm of her hand.

"Oh great, i thought you were going to say no for a second." As he let out a relieved breath. Her friends squealing with delight as the boy stood up to leave. "I'll see you soon June"

He walked back over to his friends who were smiling and patting him on the back proudly.

Her friends gazed down at the flower in her hand.

"Oh my god June, isn't he just precious. He got you flowers" Mary said in awe.
"Well it totally wasn't a surprise, considering how cool and funny i am" Juniper joked.
"He has definitely made an impression" Docas gasped happily for her friend. The girls chatted excitedly about the date, gushing over her, and she felt a small spark of excitement growing in her chest.


The four girls sat by the fireplace in the center of the dorm room. They had changed into their pyjamas, cuddled up with blankets and were eating honeyduke chocolates.

"Wow, so you and Black have to check the broom cupboards together At night, alone." Dorcas wriggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Juniper's smile turned bitter at her thought's were invaded by the pathetic excuse of a boy yet again.
She had only been at school for a couple of hours yet she had been seeing and hearing more about Regulus Black than ever before. And it was not a good thing.
She let out a whine. "Yes and for the last time, don't say it like that Dorcas, he is such a weirdo, ughhhh"

"An attractive one at that" Alice smiled with a twinkle in her eye. Juniper rolled her eyes in return.
"I back that" Mary nodded cunningly, sparing a glace at the potter girl who fake gagged.

The girls spent the night chatting away, giggling and then falling asleep on each other in a messy pile. The first night back was never disappointing. Juniper was home.

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