2) alot of stuff is happening

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words:  4669

The aftermath of the battle was a complete blur, and not just because Ada was seeing double of everything.

A girl and some people showed up. She looked a little older than them and had blond hair. Maybe? Ada couldn't quite tell. Jason and Coach Hedge were talking but she couldn't make it out. She was standing there just trying not to pass out.

She thought she was okay for a bit, until some sort of after effect from the lightning was hitting her.

Just don't pass out, she told herself. You can do that much.

Someone touched her shoulder. She thought it was Leo, but it was that pretty blonde girl, talking to her. The girl was asking if she was okay, but it sounded like "wardo soapy?" to Ada.


The girl with gray eyes that Ada could see now looked concerned and asked again. She still couldn't tell what she was asking.

"I can't hear you, pretty lady. I feel like I'm gonna barf butterflies... like a cartoon character."

Yeah, ada was definitely out of it.

Don't pass out, don't pass out, Surely do can do something as simple as-

She passed out.


Leo was a tad bit shell shocked.

First, a freak storm showed up, and he almost gets flung off the Grand Canyon. Not too crazy right? Where he loses it is when the storm spirits show up, and he gets told that the four of them are half god.

He doesn't know about anyone else, but he isn't feeling too godly. Especially after what happened to Ada. She'd gotten the worst of the battle by a long shot. Falling off a cliff doesn't exactly compare to getting hit by lightning and surviving in Leo's book.

The golden eyed girl was still passed out soundly in Leo's arms. Her curls of blonde were frizzed up and slowly with time began to fall back down into a mess over his forearms.

Leo probably would've been embarrassed and dropped her if she was awake, so he was glad she wasn't here to see him.

The girl - Annameth? Annabeth? Starts to tell us all about the place they're going to called Camp Half Blood. Oh, and her boyfriends missing, if that means anything.

Half-Blood sounded like a term people would use for breeding dogs, Leo thought.
Leo was still a bit confused about all of this. It felt like a dream as he caught hazy words that were idly thrown at him and tried to wrap his head around the jumble of sentences and clauses as people around him conversed.

Leo readjusted his hold on the knocked out girl. She had dirt caked on her face in a thin layer. "So this, camp - does it happen to have someone that can cure a lightning strike?"

Annabeth and the two people with her gaped. "She was struck by lightning?"

"That's what I said."

The gray eyed, very intimidating girl came and went to grab Ada from his arms. Leo was hesitant but gave in after he realized how sore his arms were from holding her up. Leo assumed these were people he could trust for now. Annabeth looked Ada over with a grimace, and Leo bit his lip nervously. His palms were oddly sweaty.

"I think she'll be okay, but we better get back to camp fast just in case." Leo calmed down a bit after hearing that an shoved his hands into his pockets.

Today was nerve wracking, but that didn't mean it could dampen his humor or anything. That was the one thing Leo always had - Humor.

"Alright! Where are my camp home dawgs?"

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