Episode 151

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Bellamy: What gold? Do you mean old man cricket's junk? Her got his spring legs ready. And jumped behind them on the roof.
This might be news to you, but that's what pirates do. Ever od looting? You're nothing but two dreamers who can't open their eyes long enough to get a good look at the real world.
Luffy: Well then. If stealing is what we pirates do I guess we should steal the gold back.
Bellamy laughs. That's cute but you two even fight? Do you know how to throw a punch? What can two cowards like you possibly do?
The wind blew.
Man: No doubt about it! That's them!
Sarquiss: You still got that? Didn't you hear? It's worthless. Get rid of it.
Man: But if this wanted poster is real then Bellamy's in trouble. Not even Bellamy stands a chance against a 100 and 105 million-berry bounties.
Sarquiss: Ridiculous, look at them! They're just little runts. They're probably not even worth the trouble it would take to find them. Just seeing them now makes me doubt that 30 and 35 million bounty
Bellamy: Just standing there won't get you the gold back. Are you just going to freeze there like this afternoon? Admit it, you're too scared to fight me.
Luffy: This afternoon was different. I'm not scared.
Stella: Me either just thinking about what a friend said to me
Why didn't Stella fight?
Ava: And this happened because. She was wiping her down. Stella was covered in Blood and cuts.
Y Stella: I was defending you're Honor. Those stupid boys said you weren't a real pirate just a woman with a broken sword who isn't strong.
Ava: Awww how sweet of you. But I told you before. Don't fight battles you can't defeat.
Stella: I could take them. I know I can just let me say them again
Ava: No! Stella, I've told you before. If you can't fight them you will never be the strongest woman out there. Look men are stupid they never know when to stop. I hope you don't end like that. She was talking to the baby strapped to her. Stella's younger brother.
Stella: I will. I will even beat you.
Ava: Even me. You could never. Not me or my brother
Stella: You're talking about. Shanks the captain of the red-haired pirates.
Ava: What do you know about him?
Stella: Well. He's a captain. He has red hair. He's your younger brother.
Ava: Anything else
Stella: Well a couple of women were talking about how that he can show them a great time. Do they mean training
Ava: Maybe I shouldn't leave you outside anymore. You know the food's ready. Why not go eat it?
Stella: Can I feed Ryō?
Ava: I guess. He is your brother so why not.
Stella: I will get strong I promise I will be the strongest woman in the woman. And I will defeat all 7 warlords.
Ava: Yeah. Mind should I tell her that there are 8? She might be scared. She'll defeat them. One day you'll defeat them.
Stella smiles as she feeds Ryō
End of flashback
Bellamy: We'll see about that soon straw Hat and Bandana Scarf. I'm sick of listening to you two.
I'll shut you up for good this time! He jumps and the building brakes.
I'll finish you two in an instant! Spring... Snipe
Luffy and Stella dodged his attack.
Man: Straw Hat flew, too.
Man 2: So did that Bandana Scarf.
They landed on the building.
Buffy almost falls but Stella helps him
Stella: You have to start landing better.
Bellamy: Amatur trash. He jumps from the ground. He crashes into them only for them to hold onto the edge of the building.
Stella holds him.
Sarquiss: Do those kids have a chance here?
Man: This should be entering, through, Bellamy Ways puts on a good show.
Sarquiss: They talked all big, but now they're running away!
Bellamy: Is that the best you two can do?
They get back up.
You'll never get the gold back at this rate! He jumps to them only to miss
You're nothing but two kids who still believe in dreams! You're a disgrace the real of us by calling yourself a pirate. It's time to stop this foolsing dream and grow up! Let's end this! He went to attack only to hit Luffy
He fell to the ground while still landing safely next to him
Bellamy on the roof
Struggle all you want, there's no escape from my Spring-Spring Fruit power!
Sarquiss: Way to pound him into the ground, Bellamy! You missed the girl. But it's fine.
Man: No way that kid can stand a chance maybe he needs his mommy! And she needs her daddy!
All laughs.
Bellamy: Looks like your dream are at an end
Stella: No wonder they say I'm the better captain
Luffy stands up. Are not
Bellamy: You two don't know when to quit, do you? Fine, let's have it your way. My shoe just getting to the good part! Spring... Hopper! He bounced from different buildings and the ground fast.
Stella and Luffy sand there
Man: Bellamy, disappeared!
Man 2: He did this when he beat Roshio the Executioner!
Bellamy: So you want the gold back because the old man you guy's friends? He's just a decrepit fool who spends his time chassis after a 400-year-old lie. That's probably what you guys like about him. You like to call yourselves pirates, but know nothing. There's no City of gold" no islands in the sky, just oceans and ships and the men who sail them.
Stella: How do you want to do this
Luffy: Both sides
Stella: I like the way you think.
Sarquiss; Get them, Bellamy! Those morons aren't for to live in reality! Laughs
Bellamy: So long, Straw Hat! Bandana Scarf!
They both punch him into the ground.
He had two fist marks on each side of his face.
Stella and Luffy's hands were bloody.
Luffy put on his hat
Sarquiss: Quit kidding around Bellamy... Come on! You're just joking, right? Say something! No answer. Hey! Bellamy! Quit acting dumb come on, get up! Continue your usual show, Bellamy! You're a major rookie with a 55 million reward!
Man: That's right! The three from this afternoon!
The bounty flew in his face.
Their bounties are higher than yours, Bellamy! Together they are 265 million berries.
Man: See! I told you.
The two looked at the
Luffy: The old guys's gold. Give it back.
People ran away.
I explained The ship part already
Luffy had the gold in a bag
We got it
Sarquiss: Those Runts... It was a fluke! Hey you! Stop! I'm still here! Come on! Bring it on!
Man: There's no way we can lose to two dream-chasing morons!
Sarquiss: What's wrong? Hey Straw Hat! Bandana Scarf! Where are you going?
They stopped walking
Luffy held up his first
They got scared
To the sky.
Mihawk: So these three minor-league pirates defeated Sir Crocodile. One of the eight Warlords of the sea. I knew I'd hear those names again. Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro... And Stella...
He Remembers he told Zoro to come find him. And what Shanks told him
Shanks: Stella you say! I'll watch out for her.
Mihawk: Why
Shanks: She's coming after you and the others.
Mihawk: You don't mean.
Shanks: You and the 7 other warlords. I wouldn't even be surprised even if she defeats you.
Mihawk: Honestly, not even I expected them to come far enough to shake up the World Government so quickly...
Holy Land Of Mart Geoise.
Man: Red hair and Whitebeard!
Man 2: Yes. Red hair med contact.
Man: That's disturbing. I assume he didn't take action himself? No. He seme on of his crew. Or his sister.
Man 2: Elder, I'm concerned. These three working together might mean real trouble for us.
Man: Yes, that's true.
The Five Elders World Government Supreme Authorities
They haven't done anything yet and the Red Hairs isn't the type to act unless they're provoked. Let's be patient and keep an eye on them.
E Man: The eight Warlords of the sea are important now. We must find a successor for Croecdile quickly, pirate they may be, but they keep things balanced.
E man 2 If the Three Great Powers collapse we may encounter serious problems.
E man: What plans have been made so far?
Man: yes, sir! That is why we have called the eight warlords here, but who knows how many will show up?
A man picked up Stella's wanted poster.
E Man: They are pirates. They do as they please...
E man 4: Damn you crocodile. You've put us in a dreadful situation.
We can no longer let these pirates who best you remain unpunished.
Woman: Marines HQ to Mary Ceoise, Donquixtoe Doflamingo, and Bartholomew Kuma of the eight Warlords of the Sea have arrived.
Warlord of the sea, Donquixeote Doflamingo Fomwer Bounty 340,000,000 B
Warlord of the sea Bartholomew Kuma Former Bounty 296,000,000 B
Man: Hey! Stop! What are you doing?
Man 2: No! My hands are moving on their own! He was choking him
Man: Don't be stupid! This is no time for jokes!
Man 2: I'm not joking! I can't control my body!
Man: The hell you can't I can't breathe
Man 3: Knock it off? What do you think you're doing?
Marine HQ Vice Admiral Great Tactician Tsuru
Man 2: Doflamingo! This is your found stop it at once!
Doflam: Then start taking already, or I'll end this lousy get-together!
He makes a hand gesture. And makes the man pull out his sword. To attack the other man
Man 3: Stop! Make him stop, Doflamingo! Damn you!
Man 4: Enough! Don'g be fools! Did you come here to set a war?
Marine HQ Fleet Admiral Saint Sengokum oh, pardon my late welcome. Thank you for coming, sscumof the sea.
Doflam: Oh, I'm listening to the Big-Shot talk...
They sit down.
Saint: Let's begin. I doubt any more will come. Two out of seven is better than I expected.
Doflam: bet. I didn't plan to come either, but my island business is going so well... That I came out of sheer boredom.
Saint; I see. That's disconcerting to hear. Nothing is as depressing to is as a booming rate industry.
Doflam: You're quiet in your face you betray the Saint in your name Fleet Admiral Sengoku!
Mihawk: I hear Dreary bickering... Do I perhaps come to the wrong place?
Saint: Hawkeye.
Mihawk:The Marines HQ and the eight Warlords of the sea. That roundtable seems meaningless for those two opposing powers.
Doflam: Oh, my! A most unexpected man has arrived!
Saint: Don't tell me you're...
Mihawk: No, I'm simply a looker here. I'm a bit interested in some pirates involved with the issue at hand. That's all.
Man: In that case, I too, am an onlooker is that acceptable? Well, I suppose I'm not exactly an Onlooker...
Man2: Who are you? How did you get in here?
Man: But what a truly eminent-looking group you have here
I've come in the hopes that I be allowed to join in your meeting.
I heard the news about Crocodile. It's a terrible shame he's gone. Luckily for you, I've come to offer a solution to your little problem. The Seven Warlords doesn't have the ring to it, does it?
Man: You. Are you Lafitte?
Saint: Lafitte?
Laf: Oh, you know my name? I'm quite honored!
Man: A long time ago, he was a well-known peace officer in West Blue! He disappeared after a scandal third his reputation.
Laf: Glad to see you're so informed. Who I am so not important. All that's is in the past. I've come to recommend a certain man for the eight warlords of the sea.
Man: Shanks... That name brings back memories. So this is a letter from him? After all this year?
Man2:Yes. It appears to be important, or he wouldn't have sent me to deliver it.
Man:I see! You're high up in the food chain, aren't you?
Man 2: Not exactly, I'm still new to the Red-Hair pirates.
Red-hair Pirate Newcomer Rockstar Bouty 94,000,000 B
Though I was known before that, and I think I made a bit of a name for myself.
The man ripped the paper.
Hey! What are you...?
Man: Sending me a damn letter. When did he become a big shot to think that sensing me a letter is okay?
Rockstar: Hey! Hold on, now! What are you doing? This was an important letter! This is Shanks you're dealing with, the leader of the Red Hair pirates!
Man: And I'm Captain Whitebeard!
He drinks.
Woman; Captain. It's time for your medicine again.
White: I have all the medicine I need right here. Now fetch me another keg.
Rock: My boss will hear about this!
White: I have a good idea what it's about. Ace and Blackbeard. Go tell that kid Red Hair that if he wants to talk to me, he should bring his sister and himself, and with good booze too! Now go! I don't feel like talking with some snot-nosed runts, you buffoon.
The great Pirate Edward Newgate, Whitebeard the strongest man in the world.
Shanks: The old man hasn't changed a bit!
Rock: This a no laughing matter boss!
Shanks: I had no inkling this would happen. Don't worry about it. He was talking through a Transponder Sail.
Rock: Give me a little more time! I've never been insulted like that before!
Shanks: Hey now! What are you planning to do? Forget it. Thanks for your help. You can come straight back now.
Rock: But I have pride, I have to show this guy who I am.
Shanks: your life is more important to me than your pried. There's nothing you can do now. We have some of this to plan.
Lucky: So what are you going to do, boss?
Shanks: I'm going. Prepare to set sail!
Lucky: to see whitebeard
Shanks: Yep, that's right!
Been: Not even the Government would react if you like a stun like that.
Shanks: No, I fully expect them to. I don't care. There's no time to worry about the government. Before much longer they'll be the ones worrying about us.
Lucky: you heat him, let's get going!
Shanks: Alright! Get some grog ready to take with us!
Benn: Have you forgotten something captain
Shanks: What?
Benn: More like a who.
Shanks: Ava. Smiles. Never thought I'd say that name again. Fine. We'll call her.
Laf told the Marines about Blackbeard. And Blackbeard is the man Luffy and others saw before and he's now going after them to collect Luffy, Stella's, and Zoro's bounty.
Blackbeard Pirate Helmsman Jesus Burgess, The Champion.
Blackbeard Pirates Captain Marshall D. Teach, Blackbeard.
Blackbeard Pirtaes Sniper Van Anuget, The supersonic
Blackbeard Pirates Doctor Doc Q the Reaper

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