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Harley's POV

The person removed their mask and it was Hunter I believe his name was.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked me in a very stern tone. I was confused as to why he would care since he never even talked to me and had never even seen me until earlier today.

"Yeah, and why are you out here by yourself?" I turned my head to the right and saw the other 4 of them all staring at me. It seemed like Cade was staring right into my soul waiting for an answer.

"You gonna answer the question, darling?" Ace said getting off his bike and walking over to me and Hunter.

My anxiety was through the roof right now. I didn't answer instead I just looked at the ground. I saw a second pair of shoes walk up right next to Hunter and I. Ace put his hand under my chin and lifted it up to look at him. He looked at me almost as if he was able to read my mind.

"Well, if she's not gonna talk to us we should probably take her home," Austin said. "So we know that she gets home safe."

"Your right," Ace stated before picking me up and taking me over to one of their bikes.

"Put me down," I said barely above a whisper.

"Not gonna happen, beautiful," Hunter said walking next to Ace. Ace placed me down on the ground and started walking over to what I think was his bike. I didn't wait another second before I ran away from them.

But I didn't get very far before one of them stopped their bike in front of me blocking me from going any further. They took their helmet off and I saw that it was Axel also known as Axe.

"You're not gonna get very far, you know that right?" Cade said from behind me. I turned around and saw that he was standing right in front of me. "Now be a good girl and let us take you home or at least somewhere safer then out here."

"I can take myself home," I replied. I was honestly done with this. I then got another wave of dizziness but this one was worse then anything I have ever experienced before.

"Wow, you okay?" Cade said putting his arm around my waist. I looked up and the rest of the boys were now standing by us.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied trying to get away from him.

"Yeah right, you just about fell over, princess," Austin replied. "Come on, we're taking you home."

Austin then came and picked me up bridal style. I decided to just let them.

"Fine, just please don't take me home?" I asked them as I was placed on the back of one of their bikes.

"Why not?" Cade asked.

"I just don't want to be there," I replied not wanting to explain why I didn't wan to go home.

"Fine, we'll take you back to our place," Ace stated and I looked at him confused. "Unless you have a friends place that you would like to stay at," I just stayed quiet.

"Put your feet on the pegs and leave them there," Hunter told me while putting a helmet on me after taking my hood of. Then he sat down in front of me. "Now put your arms around me," he said as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

They all started to drive off as Hunter put his left hand over mine to make sure they were secure. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared so I just closed my eyes.

Time Skip

I opened my eyes when I felt Hunter slow down. I looked up to see what looked like a really fancy hotel, but I knew it wasn't since they said we were going to their house.

 I looked up to see what looked like a really fancy hotel, but I knew it wasn't since they said we were going to their house

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I didn't even realize I was staring until Hunter said something.

"Not what you expected was it?" he asked standing next to me taking the helmet off.

"Not at all," I replied quietly.

"You don't talk much do you?" he asked helping me off the bike.

"I prefer not to," I replied following Hunter who was walking to the front door.

"Want something to eat?" Cade asked once we were inside.

"No thanks," I replied standing awkwardly as Hunter, Ace, and Axel started walking off somewhere.

"You sure?" Austin asked. "I mean we saw you leave at lunch."

"I just wasn't hungry," I replied playing with my hands.

"Harley, when was the last time you ate something?" Cade asked a little pissed. Why did they care?

I just stayed quiet, I actually didn't remember the last time that I ate something.

I could feel all of them looking at me now. Ace once again walked up to me and placed a hand under my chin, lifting it up so I was looking at him. "Princess, when was the last time you ate something?" Ace asked with a sweeter tone of voice.

"Why does it matter?" I asked.

"Because we want to know," Ace replied still in a sweet tone even though I knew he was getting pissed that I wasn't answering the question. "Now, I'm not gonna ask again, when was the last time you ate something?"

"I don't know," I replied not making eye contact with any of them. Ace let go of me and walked off somewhere Austin came up to me picking me up and carrying me to their living room.

Axel walked over to us and sat down on my right.

"Why haven't up been eating?" Axel asked me. Ace stopped pacing and leaned against the door frame across from Hunter.

"I just don't see the need to," I replied. I looked down and realized that Axel was clenching and unclenching his fists. Axel looked over at Ace and Hunter. I'm pretty sure that they were having a quiet conversation.

"Okay, well I hate to do this but we have to talk," Cade said walking in. "Harley, can you stay here while we have a conversation?" he asked me, as all of them left the room.

I sat there for a few minutes on my phone. I realized that none of them were gonna be back for a few minutes, so I decided to just make myself comfortable.

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