Phone call.

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Averys P.O.V 

The rest of the week passes by very slowly, let me tell you I did not enjoy sleeping with my door open, but atlas the constant hovering from Mave and Xavier is done I'm free.Well not fully free I'm still in this house, which is starting to get really boring.

Im currently sitting in the room I call mine staring at the wall not knowing what to do.I look around the room and spot my back pack.My phone,I could call Miles its pretty late 9:30 ish most if not everyone is in there room.I can go in the bath room and run the shower.

I hop off the plush mattress and grab the phone and charging cord from the small pocket in the front of the backpack.I make my way over to the bathroom locking the door behind meant that I think anyones going to come in but rather be safe then sorry.

 about two minutes sense I plugged in the phone when I hear it do the classic booting up noise,I take that as my cue to turn on the shower.I put the shower on cold so the bathroom won't steam up on me before picking up the phone and entering my password and then dialing my younger brothers number, he better fucking pick up.

I haven't called him sense I've been here I've sent him a few text here and there but I haven't really explained where I am.Sure he was used to me not being around as often anymore but after 2 months it gets kinds weird and he deserves to know.Hell maybe I can get him to come break me out of this place.

"Avery?" he answers the phone sounding confused."The one and only." I say a smile sliding onto my face I have missed that voice."its been a while sense I have heard from you,Where have you been?" he says asking the obvious question."Long story short Stanley got me locked up in some sorta of Nut house." I groan out my explanation.

"Nut house?,Like a a physic ward?" he ask confusion in his voice "Not really its more like a house with Like a caretaker that specializes in like mental health or atleast that's what came up when I locked this place up." I ramble out."Oh.." he says softly but I can tell there is more that he wants to say.

"What is it Miles,Im not dumb I know when your not saying what you want to say."I say with a soft laugh at the end of it.Even though Miles says he trusts me with every thing I still find him struggling to tell me things.Of course it makes me sad the he would even question if he could trust me with something but I understand I was Fifth-teen once to."I don't know Avery maybe it would be good for you.." he says very hesitantly as if he was trying not to make me mad.

"What?" I breath out confused by what he meant when he said it would be..good for me?"Avery you know I don't mean it in a bad way,But you need help." he sighs and adds "Im worried about you I am always worried about you.".He's worried about me?"Miles its not your job to worry about me,i'm fine" I say trying to add a light hearted tone to my voice but I failed miserably.

"Your always fine thats the problem.."He adds a hint of sarcasm to the word fine making it quite obvious that he did not agree with my statement."What is that supposed to mean?" I question in a tone that makes it none that I'm irritated.

"Avery its clear as day that your not fine,But nobody expects you to be." he pauses "Look you have gone through so much, and done so so much for me Avery." he takes in a sharp breath "You need help Avery."His words sound more like a plead than a statement.

"Miles.." I don't know what to say,I genuinely don't know what to say.It was just kind of a known thing between the two of us that we don't talk about what is seen at that house, ill be dammed if I call it a home.He has never brought up the things he has seen the conversations that were more like screaming matches between me and my parents that he has heard over the years. 

For the past two years I have noticed him making small attempts to get me to eat more which tells me he picked up on the whole starving thing at only 13.I have always tried to keep him in the dark about most these things but every once and a while he would catch me off guard in my room and see something he wasn't supposed to.

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