After Work Drinks

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Jimin POV

Up on tip toes to reach the wine glasses I don't normally use, I finally grab the four I need and bring them over to the table. Jung Kook, Taehyung, and Hobi are here for dinner and drinks after work. It's been a long day at our company but it honestly never stops. It's always been that way and I love it.

After debuting in the k-pop industry, we "retired" after 10 years, ending the chapter of our 20s. Now, we help new artists on their journey as none of us can really stay away from our first love: music. Jung Kook helps with vocals and dance. Taehyung helps the trainees find their voice, he has such a unique way of thinking, and the younger generation loves him. They listen and respect what he is saying. Hobi is the main choreographer here at the company and overseeing performances. I help where I'm needed with all three of them. Yoongi and RM are the songwriters/producers who are often together and off on their own. Jin pops in now and then but he was the first to settle down. Him and his wife are expecting a baby boy right after Christmas. Retiring wasn't something I was ready to do but since a majority of the group wanted to start a new chapter including love, spouse, and children, I agreed. It's a slow burn as finding someone who understands the lifestyle is challenging and.. crazy at times.

Setting the glasses on the table, I sit next to Taehyung, across from Hobi and Jung Kook. They already started to chow down on the fried chicken and the copious amounts of ramen, kimchi, and rice spread out on the table.

"Hyung, thank you for the food. I was so busy I didn't have time to eat today," Jung Kook said as he opens the wine and starts to pour for everyone.

"Yeah, Jimin, thank you. I was going to go home and eat 3 packages of ramen by myself if you didn't invite us over," Hobi says between bites of kimchi and rice.

Taehyung,"I was busy working on the event for Saturday. Do you know how sore your face feels after blowing up balloons? You all better be going Saturday with all the effort I have put into it."

"The masquerade party? I'm not sure. They asked me to perform a song but I haven't been on a stage in a couple years. I still haven't decided."

I've been thinking about this for a while. The company approached me about a month ago asking me to perform at the event, it's kind of a showcase to preview the new trainees. For them to invite their friends and family, showing everyone their training before debuting. I was the only one from our group who had the time to put something together with such a short notice. I'm just nervous after 3 years of not being in front of our fans. Will people still like me? Will I make their dimples appear from smiling? What If.. so many questions.

Hobi, "You still remember the dance. I watched you in the practice room the other day. It was perfect."

"I'll drag you there and tell them you are doing it. You need this, Jimin. You need to know people besides the three of us still care about you. Our fans ask about you when we do lives, but I think you are scared of the feelings you will have if something isn't the same. You were so excited to have more time with them after we "retired" but you disappeared completely into other work," Taehyung rants as he points his chopsticks, adding emphasis to his words.

I look at Jung Kook and he just sits quietly, eating his chicken, when a pierced raised eyebrow goes up, daring me to argue with Taehyung's logic. He isn't wrong. But saying it out loud makes it real.

"Hmm." I shrug noncommittally, taking a bite of my rice.

Taehyung, "I thought so.. I'll let them know you will be performing on Saturday."

"Tae, I didn't say-" Jung Kook shoves a piece of chicken in my mouth. I give him a look that he doesn't shy away from. Sometimes, I think he forgets he is younger than me. Or chooses not to care. "Hyung, stop. We will be there to support you. It'll be okay."

Hobi agrees with the nod of his head, a smile on his lips.

"Alright, alright. I'll do it. But all three of you are buying me a drink afterwards."

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