Whiskey Neat

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Raine POV

Why is this day making me so nervous? A rhetorical question that receives no response from the thoughts in my head. I'm slowly getting ready for a pre-pre-debut? My brother, Jihoon, is debuting in the next month with his company but tonight all the trainees, groups and solos, are showing their family a sample of what they have been working on for the past several months.

It's been challenging, seeing my brother go off on his own, especially in high school. We've always had a close relationship, he is a baby to me since I'm 8 years older. But now I can't mistake the person, and man, he has grown to be even at 17. I'm proud of him as his sister and can't wait to see what he will accomplish.

It takes 2 hours to get ready but I smile looking at myself in the mirror. My dark brown hair has nice soft waves that flow down my back. My emerald green dress stops just above my knee with a 6 inch slit on the left side. The neckline is similar to a halter top-choker, hugging my neck with a simple button. The sleeves and back are nonexistent, leaving the fabric to scrunch at the small of my back. It's showcases my spine tattoo when my hair moves just right as a I walk, a colorful display of the planets with flowers and coy fish circling it. Although painful, the tattoo was totally worth it when I wear a dress like this. Finally, the finishing piece of my outfit is the mask. A simple black mask with ruffles around the edge, it highlights my eyes and brings attention to my face.

I walk down the stairs, careful in my black strappy heals, and meet my parents at the door who are there to pick me up. Mom and Dad are all dressed out, looking fabulous in matching navy. Dad in a 3 piece suit and dark brown shoes while mom is wearing a sparkly dress that has three quarter sleeves and flows down to her ankles. Both have light wrinkles on their face, showing their smiles and dimples with salt and pepper hair. They are so cute together. They greet me with hugs and push me out the door so we aren't late.

Once in the car, my nerves continue to increase with each passing minute. My leg shaking up and down, causing my mother to give me a stare through the rear view mirror. One perfectly shaped eyebrow arches, insinuating a silent are you okay? I give a quick nod and look out the window. I don't want to arrive at this event looking like a just completed 2 hours at my CrossFit gym. Goodness gracious. I hum some of my favorite songs to calm me down, leaning my head up against the cool glass. Twenty minutes later I'm okay enough to not be sweating through my dress as we finally arrive. My dad hands the keys to the parking attendant as we exit the car in front of the venue.

Walking in, my eyes are trying to adjust to the lower level lighting from the brightness that was outside. Once my eyes are done squinting against my will, I immediately look for my brother.. but he is no where to be seen. I look to my mom and she answers the nonverbal questions, "He doesn't get to mingle until after his performance. I think his group is third out of four performances so just get a drink from the bar and try to relax a little. You are making me nervous."

Giving her another nod, I walk to the bar and notice it's open. Thank god. I show my ID and the bar tender puts a plastic bracelet on my wrist, letting them know I'm of legal age so I don't have to keep showing my ID. I start with a glass of Whiskey Neat. Ice is for whimps. I love the burn, tingly my taste buds and my nose scrunches out of reflex.

I ask for a refill and make my way around the room, looking at the pictures of each group, showcasing their time as a trainee. I see my brother smiling in several, hugging his members. In some he is sprawled out on the practice floor, in others they are enjoying a meal together. I can hear the giggles and see excitement in their eyes.

I finally make my way back to my parents as the first group is about to perform. But this person sounds familiar. Are they a trainee? I know I've heard this voice before. But where? He has fluffy brown hair that goes to his shoulders and dark brown eyes. They look, worried. Tense. A flush spreads out on his face within the first few seconds of the song. A song I fell in love with: Lie. This song fits perfectly for a masquerade party. A mask sits on his face, hiding enough to keep his identity a secret. I don't think this could be the original singer, Park Jimin, as no one has seen him in years. After my favorite band decided to pause all group activities for the foreseeable future, he disappeared out of public eye. He still works at his company but nothing from him in three years.. And no one knows why. Could this be him or is this wishes just forcing themselves to come true for my imagination?

I try not to dwell on these lingering thoughts and focus on the performance, but my mind won't stop asking questions that get no answers. I'll get another drink after the performance is over.. maybe that will help.

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