Don't Trip

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Raine POV

Finally! Finally! It's time for my brother to preform. I watch him closely, he looks so happy, singing and dancing. The song is upbeat and great for dancing, it's not overly hard but not easy either. I bet it becomes a dance challenge on social media once he debuts. His smile is everything. His hard work for the past several months finally comes to fruition and being seen by others. He enjoys it, being adored by all these people. Just wait until he debuts. I really am so proud of him!

Once his performance is over I walk back to the bar to wait for him to come out, I grab my fourth drink of the night and I definitely feel the effects of the alcohol kicking in. The hairs on my arm stand at attention, looking around slowly, I catch eyes that weren't quick enough to look away. He is the same person who performed first, he changed clothes but I can tell by his hair and eyes. The deep soulful eyes that won't look away. He gives a slow smile a pats the seat next to him.

My gaze travels over him and I let my feet take smaller steps so I don't trip in these heals. He is strong, he sits confidently but also kind of awkward like he doesn't know what to do. I take a seat on the cool bar stool and lean and against the bar, whisky in my hand to give me something to hold onto. Then turn my complete attention to him.

The stranger gives me a smirk, "I've never seen a girl drink whiskey neat. I'm impressed."

I roll my eyes at his words, "Maybe you've been around the wrong kind of girls."

"Hmm, maybe I have. What brings you here tonight?"

"My brother. He is one of the groups performing, he just finished so I'm waiting for him to come out. Are you a trainee too? Your performance was great, and a classic. Why didn't you do your own song? I haven't seen that performance since I was in highschool. Since one of the first times the members went on tour." Why am I rambling? Stop talking, Raine, I'm sure he knows who they are, I scold myself. I close my eyes to gather my nerves and open them to look around to see if Jihoon has come out yet but I still don't see him. When I glance back at the stranger he has a weird expression on his face.

He seems to snap out whatever daze he was in as he answers, "Oh I'm not a trainee, I don't really perform at all. I help out with the company and do small things here and there but it's not for me." He says as looks anywhere but my eyes.

"Well I think you did great and you should consider it. I loved hearing your voice, it was so similar to the original artist and the dance moves. I bet you watched him perform it a million times to get it perfect."

"You could say something like that." We both finish off the drink, looking away from each other, as the awkward moment stretches out.  Did I just finish my fourth glass of whiskey and he finish his second? bottle of soju. Good lord.

I set my glass down and smile at the bar tender before I turn around to leave. The mystery man lightly places his hand on my bare upper arm, giving it a small caress with his thumb as I go to stand. The movement causes me to pause and look through his mask to his questioning eyes. Goose bumps pop up all over my skin and a flush crosses my face, from alcohol or embarrassment at the way his touch makes me feel, I don't know. He leans in close to my face, only a few inches away. I feel his warm breath on my skin, across my neck and cheek, increasing my flush. "After you see your brother, come back to the bar for another drink, and we can continue this conversation... here.. or at my house."

The alcohol in my system doesn't give me a different answer than of course.. but I can't say that.

"Sure, I'll see you soon." I stand up and his hand travels down my arm, ghosting my skin with his finger tips and increasing my sensitivity to his touch. Don't trip, don't trip. I tell myself as I walk away. Looking back over my shoulder, his heated stare goes through me  as he takes a sip of soju. I trip anyway, causing him to chuckle and spill his drink. He almost falls out of his chair.. whoops. I turn and giggle

Maybe this is a good thing? My fuzzy alcohol brain tells me. One night with a stranger and then go back to your boring life.

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