Ep 3: Welcome Home

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A/N: The title for this is made up this episode didn't have one so I put one on it.

John B POV:

I hopped over the wall and made my way inside, going to the top. I walked in slowly looking around seeing that the place was empty. I head up the stairs to the bell tower. I checked each halls I passed to see if there was any sign of someone but none so far.

I stop a door that has a familiar feel behind it. I stand there and just look at it not sure if I want to open it but it was starting to open. I run and hide behind the corner. I waited a moment before slowly peaking out, I start walking to the stairs trying to see who that was.

I inhaled a sharp breath as I saw him. Dad. I walked down the steps slowly not wanting to be seen just yet.

"Dad?" I asked and the man slowly turned around and looked up at me. I really hope I'm not hysterical right now.

"Is it really you?" I asked again and I can feel the tears coming.

"What took you so long, Bird? I've been ringing for hours."

I walked down the rest of the steps and we embraced each other in a hug. I really couldn't believe that it's him.

"I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead." I tell him, I didn't want to let him go.

"I'm sorry for the Houdini act. It's a long story, kid." He tells me but at the moment I don't care, I'm just happy to have him back.

"Check the church!" We hear being shouted from outside.

"For another time." He tells me as we let each other go.

"What?" I asked confused at to what's happening.

"We gotta vanish."

"Pops, talk to me."

"Come on. Keep your head down. Head down." He tells me as we quickly make our way out, staying low so we won't be spotted.

"Shit, ain't going that way."

"Um, the Pouges, the marina, they've got a boat. Come on. Follow me." I tell him and we start running to the marina.

"Good boy. It's good to see you, kid."

"Yeah, you too, Pop. Come on, hurry up."

We go over the way that I came in on. We make our way down and into a good spot that we can take our time on.

"I think we're good. That was a close one."

"Okay Dad. Start talking. So you've been alive this whole time and didn't think to call?" I asked him

"What, you think I didn't want to? It killed me. It would've put you in danger." He tells me

"I was in danger the entire time you were gone." I told him

"Hey, look, we're here now. Okay? And I'm not going anywhere. I just had to vanish for my safety. And yours."

I didn't know if I wanted to believe his story or not. It just seemed liked he was making up parts of the story so that I wouldn't be upset.

"Look, it wasn't my first choice. You got to know that. Let's go find your friends." We started up again and headed down the hill to the marina.

"Come on, buddy."

Narrator POV:

The Pouges, are out at sea, contemplating on whether or not leaving John B was really for the best. JJ was yelling at them in protest at how they could do that.

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