Chapter 20

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"I'll arrange for my boss to take the girls in," said Duke, pragmatic as always, though his comments concealed some emotions he wouldn't let surface.

Anna dismounted. After all the excitement, her heart raced, and she felt safe at last. After living with this dangerous murderess for weeks, she had finally avenged her brother, not to mention Sebastian. But somehow, it seemed less important. Belle was now a defeated woman, and Walter's death was uncovered. However, she couldn't help but glance at Duke. Was this the end of the adventure? Would she ever see him again?

But first, there were things to do. Anna couldn't compose herself. She just wanted to be alone. She looked into Duke's eyes.

"I need to return to White Gorge and inform my family of my brother's fate. Of my own fate! Shoot. I bet they're worried sick about me. It's better if I forget about all this and go back to my family. I need to contemplate my future. Clearly, I'm not cut out for ranching, and I would be happy never to do it again. Maybe I don't want to marry yet, but I don't know who I am anymore or my place in any of this. Goodbye, Duke. It has been nice. You are a good man."

She kissed him on the cheek, her heart aching.

"I have no place here anymore, and if I leave now, I can make it home before dark," Anna said, and Buster joined her as she mounted her horse, Juniper.

Home was familiar. The comforting sounds of her mother preparing food, her father putting away tools, and even her older brother with his wife and three young children. She was expecting again. It was marred only by the grief they all felt for Walter's passing, and the whole community turned out for his burial. She told them of her experiences, leaving out the intimate details of Duke's role, only mentioning in passing that a neighbor's hand had shot a rustler and helped her catch Belle.

"Anna, you've been through a lot. I never expected you could be a working ranch hand, catch rustlers, and most importantly, find out about Walter's fate. But now you're home again, safe with us. Isn't it time you found a nice young man to take care of you?" her father was full of love, but the sentiment sounded all too familiar. She was still his little girl.

"I'm so proud of you," her mother said. "We can close that chapter, but you were so close to danger on Belle's ranch. I can't let my daughter risk herself again."

"Mother, I'm so happy to be home, but I realize I can be more than just a good daughter. Even though it was scary, I was doing what was right for Walter. I learned to work a farm, even fight rustlers." She paused for thought. "A woman can work a ranch, and I can survive, even away from home."

Even as she spoke the words, she realized an unnamed reluctance to return to her old life. It wasn't just the work and adventure that drew her away. If she were honest, she had to admit that she missed Duke's ready cheerfulness, the companionship of training Buster, the camping out, and even the hard work and aching muscles. She closed her eyes for a second and felt Duke's arms around her, steadying her aim with the .45 caliber pistol. His good humor and support of her being a ranch hand. Sleeping by the campfire, even though it was uncomfortable.

But would he want to see her?

She gazed at the sky but saw nothing but clouds. She looked at the hills and saw nothing but trees. She looked at the house she grew up in and still saw nothing.

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