Chapter 9: It's Not Fair

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I haven't heard from Dominik since he spent the night. It's only been two days but I feel like he should have called or something. I don't know. He has his own life. I'm just a bystander. I could always call him but I don't wanna bother him. He's probably busy doing God knows what. I wonder what he does for a living?


"Hmm?" I bring my attention to the mostly empty house, featuring Mrs. Callisto as our only audience.

"It's your line," She gives me attitude. Normally I'd be offended but I was so lost in thought I forgot I was rehearsing.

I clear my throat, getting into character, "It's not fair!"

"Cut! Nope, nope, nope. We were all out of the moment. From the top of page 34, 'I'm sick of it.' Action!" Mrs. Callisto orders.

"I'm sick of it, mother! I don't want to be a part of your games anymore!" Stella glances at her script as she speaks.

"Oh please, and what are going to do? Run away? I'd like to see you try. You've never been brave. You wouldn't know what to do," Penelope responds in a bitter tone. 

"Maybe that's exactly what I'll do," Stella glances between us, "I'm gonna go with December."

Penelope gasps in character. I stage whisper to Stella, "You don't have to."

"I want to," Stella scowls at Penelope who plays her mother, Anne, "Good luck without me."

Stella pulls me towards Penelope to the set door. Penelope 'grab' Stella by the hair and 'yanks' her down, "You're not going anywhere!"

"Mom! No!"

"You're gonna stay here for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. Say goodbye to your little friend because you'll never see her again."

Stella, in character, looks up at me hopefully, "Bye, December."

"It's not fair!" I yell at Penelope, "You can't do this!"

The lights dim and there's only one spotlight on me and Penelope, "Watch me." Blackout. Mrs. Callisto raises her arm for the crew in the booth to put lights up. The auditorium becomes visible again. Mrs. Callisto waves us over, "Everyone on the apron!"

The entire cast from the wings comes out and sits on the apron, legs dangling or crossed. Mrs. Callisto takes a step back, observing us. Stella and I give each other a look, knowing she's about to lecture us.

"I... respect your acting choices. All of you. I think the show, with the extra month we have to rehearse, will be great. But I don't feel much enthusiasm," She thinks about her words carefully, "I want you all to really get into your characters. Especially you, Katarina."

I furrow my brows, wondering what I did so wrong. I wasn't paying much attention today but I'm usually always prepared. Mrs. Callisto elaborates, "Go home, think about your top three moments where life was unfair. Come back tomorrow and show me you know the feeling."

"Uh, okay?"


No. "Understood," I say anyway.

"That's all for today. I have to get to an appointment, so I'm cutting it short. Goodnight, everyone," Mrs. Callisto grabs her purse, first to leave the building.

I go back to the women's dressing room to get my backpack and run out fast enough to call my mom so she can pick me up. I make it to the exit doors next to the auditorium and I'm about to dial her number when I see a familiar face in a luxurious black SUV.

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