Chapter 22: Concussion

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I shouldn't have let her go in that house. I don't know why I didn't drag her back in the car after she told me to go fuck myself. Sometimes that girl just makes me so angry. But I still trust her. I don't trust her friends, though. I've done my research. Not that I need to. That Stella girl just rubs me the wrong way. She seems controlling, possessive. Her and Annie have been friends since they were little. A few years ago, Kacha joined their little friend group. If I didn't know any better I'd say she's slowly becoming one of them. Rude, conceited.

I stop at a red light.

Kacha's not like them. Jokingly, yeah, she's rude and self-obsessed but she doesn't think she's better than anyone else. Down-to-Earth. Real. When she's with me I can see the real her. That's just how it is. No filter around each other. Our relationship is so natural it bothers me seeing who she is outside of it. Shit, I think about her too much. No normal guy would think about these things...

I wait impatiently. The red light hasn't changed for almost two minutes. That's extremely long for Chicago.

...Then again, no normal guy would do what I'd do for her. Fuck it.

The light turns green and I make a sharp U-turn, back the way I came. How stupid can I possibly be? Those are teenagers celebrating. They're gonna be reckless and Kacha's gonna get sucked into it. I just hope I can make it there in time before she does something dumb since I'm halfway across the city.

I make it to Stella's house and as I get out of my car I hear a scream. I run into the house, towards the noise. People circle the living room coffee table. I push through to see Katarina lying unconscious next to the table with glass shards scattered around her head. I drop down next to her and lightly tap her cheek,

"Kacha! Kacha, wake up!" She doesn't respond.

I stare daggers at Stella who's standing above her, "What did you do to her?!"

"Nothing! She fell off the table!"

I stand up, shouting at her, "What the fuck was she doing on the table?!"

"Dancing! I don't know! We were just having fun!" Stella holds up her hands defensively.

I don't have time to argue with her. I gently pick Katarina up, bridal style, and take her out of that house. Stella and a few other people follow. Stella cries, "I only gave her some wine and vodka. That's it!" I ignore her and announce, "Her mom calls, you tell her she stayed the night, got it?!"

"Okay," She covers her mouth, shocked at the scene.

I open the car door and set her in the passenger seat. I pull the seat back so she can lay comfortably, then I get into the driver's seat and speed home. I keep glancing at her every few seconds. Most of the drive, I have one hand on her head, feeling for any bumps. She gets one on the side of her head. A concussion.

"Hey, Kacha. Stay awake, please," I mumble, tapping her cheek repeatedly. For the first time, she makes a noise. My heart beats faster.

I finally get to my house and take her inside. Igor follows me to the guest room downstairs. "Get me ice and Tylenol!" I demand, setting her on the bed. I put a few more pillows around her head and neck. Katarina opens her eyes for a second and they just roll to the back of her head. My heart drops. Her pulse is stable but for a second there I thought she...

Igor delivers an ice pack, water, and a few Tylenol tablets. I grab the ice pack and place it on her head. My hand shakes violently from fear. Igor comments, "It look like concussion."

"I know what it looks like!" I get defensive, feeling my knees starting to give up as well.


"WHAT?!" I turn around. Igor watches me in fear. I realize just how insane I'm acting.

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