Sometimes It's hard to admit things (Final part)

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Branch's POV

I woke up on the same couch where my whole breakdown had happened last night. I felt like shit to he honest but at least I solved the problems I had with my brothers.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard John Dory snoring. Obnoxiously. I looked to my left only to see Bruce laying beside me a tad bit of drool dripping from his mouth. It took all my might not to laugh as I covered my mouth in case I did.

"Morning," I heard someone say. The random voice startled causing me to jolt which made the person chuckle, "Branch chill It's just me," I looked over to see John Dory facing me, "So that's why I no longer heard snoring?" I thought, "Man, you were out like a light last night," John Dory chuckled, "Did you guys stay with me the whole night?" I asked, chuckling along with him, "Yeah we did, actually. we fell asleep quickly, too," He replied.

I nodded and just lied there in silence as John Dory did the same, "Oh shit," I mumbled, "Something wrong?" John Dory asked as I replied, "Yeah, I was supposed to hang out with Synth yesterday but then that whole incident happened," I frowned at the missed opportunity to hang out with Synth, "Oh! I have an idea!" John Dory spoke, "Like what?" I asked a confused expression on my face, "You should bring us to Techno Lagoon so we can meet this "Synth" guy you won't shut up about," John Dory said finishing off with a smirk.

I blushed lightly as I responded with a, "I'll consider it," which made John Dory's face lighten up a bit.


A little later

The rest of my brothers had woken up, and John Dory had already mentioned the idea of meeting Synth, aka my crush, which they all seemed to like. I didn't want them to meet my crush! What if I made a fool out of myself like I did yesterday.

I was silently panicking as all of my brothers sat at the kitchen table, all of them chatting except me, "Hey Branch, you doing alright?" Clay asked, "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about some errands I have to run later this evening," I quickly lied, "You sure?" He asked, "Yeah, totally!" I lied once again.

Clay nodded with a smile and joined in on the conversation my brothers were having. I sighed in relief.

Timeskip one hour later

Still Branch's POV

I was sitting on the couch as my brothers begged me to introduce them to Synth, "Why do you want to meet him so bad?!" I snapped, "Because you like him," Bruce said, lifting his eyebrows up and down, making me blush, "W-wha- no, I don't!" I denied, "Bro, you're literally blushing!" Clay laughed. I sighed and said, "Fine! You can meet him." All of my brothers cheered in excitement as Bruce and Clay gave each other a high five.

Timeskip (Again)

My brothers and I all stood on the lift being lifted up to the surface. The five of us stepped out of the bunker and started to make our way to Techno Lagoon.

About fifteen minutes later, we reached the lagoon. Luckily, I brought some swimming gear for my brothers and I, so I handed them the gear, and the five of us dove into the water.

"You excited?" Bruce asked teasingly, "I don't even know how to feel right now," I said as I looked at my purple-haired brother, "Bro, just play it cool! I'm sure he likes you back. from what you told me, you two seem to have a very good connection!" Bruce said, trying to encourage me, "I don't know, man, it's a lot of pressure," I sighed, "You'll be fine now go on, there he is!" Bruce said as he pushed me forward gently.

I saw Synth standing directly in front of me as he spoke, "Dubstep! I was about to come and look for you, how have you been, man?!" I turned my head, not making eye contact, "I have been doing alright, I guess," I said as I slightly blushed, "That's awesome! But there's something I have been wanting to tell you," I heard Synth say as his voice started to sound a bit more serious as he went on, "Meet me at the hot springs at seven PM tonight," He said as his smile returned, "Okay?" I said as I swam away to my brothers.

"Bro, did he just ask you out?!" John Dory asked excitedly, "N-no, he just asked me to meet him at the hot springs tonight," I stuttered, "Branch, he's gonna confess his love to you!" Floyd said as his eyes sparkled, "I hope so," I mumbled.

Later that night at the hot springs

Nobody's POV

Branch's four older brothers hid in some bushes not too far away from the hot springs, hoping that they would get to see their little brother confess.

On the other hand, Branch and Synth were sitting in front of the hot springs, their feet dangling in the warm water as they sat on the grass.

The four older brothers could tell that the two of them had no idea what to say, so they waited for one of them to speak up.

Branch's POV

Synth and I sat sat on the grass with our feet in the hot springs it was rather awkward, considering everything was quiet except my thoughts that nobody else could hear except me, "Is he gonna confess? Does he not want to be friends anymore? What's going on?" I thought as I sat there silently panicking.

"Hey, Dubstep?" I heard Synth speak, "Yes?" I said as I turned my head to look up at him, "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. That's why I wanted you to meet me here," He said, I nodded as I kept eye contact, "What is it?" I finally asked, "W-well the thing is I-I like you!" Synth blurted out.

"Oh my God, is this actually happening?!" I thought as I felt a smile form on my lips, "Really?" I asked smiling, "Yes Dubstep, I've loved you for some time now, and I needed to tell you at some point," Synth smiled down at me. I grabbed ahold of Synth's cheeks just like I did during the quick glitter incident and kissed him. I pulled away and smiled at him, "So does that mean you feel the same?" Synth laughed as I nodded.

This time, Synth pulled me in for a kiss. After a good ten seconds, he pulled away and said, "I love you, Dubstep," as I replied, "I love you too, Synth." The two of us lay down on the grass as we cuddled, looking up at the stars in silence, except the silence was comforting knowing that my favorite troll ever was lying beside me.

Nobody's POV

The brothers stood behind the bushes, quietly celebrating their brothers' new relationship. Floyd wiped a tear from his eye as John Dory wrapped one of his arms around his shoulder, pulling him into a side hug.

Finally, their brother had found someone, and he had found the right someone.

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