Late Night Confessions

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This oneshot was requested by:RattyMcRatter

Thank you so so much for leaving a request with suck specific details. I really appreciate it!

Now moving on...


"Ugh, I can't sleep..." Branch groaned.

Branch had been laying down in his bed for what seemed like hours now, and he hadn't slept a wink.

"Maybe a walk could help...?" Branch said sluggishly to himself. He sat up in his bed as he slipped on his slippers.


Branch stepped outside his bunker as he smelt the cool, fresh air that brushed through his dark blue hair.

The dark-haired troll sighed as he started to take a stroll through the forest.


Eventually, the blue-haired troll came across a pond where he saw a familiar face.

"Oh hey Synth," Branch said with a tired smile. The techno troll turned around as he recognized the voice from behind him, "Oh Dubstep! Hi! What are you doing out so late?" He asked curiously, "Oh just couldn't sleep, so I came out here..." Branch said, walking closer to the pond. Branch sat down in front of the pond as his feet dangled in the water beneath them.

"Yeah, well, I just got done one of my raves and decided to hang out for a bit," Synth explained, "Would you like me to leave so you can be alone?" Branch asked, "Wha- No of course not! I prefer company anyway!" The techno smiled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

The truth is Synth didn't want company, but if it was Branch, there was an exception considering he may or may not have a secret teensy weensy crush on the formerly grey troll.

"Uh Dubstep, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..." The fish like troll said, "Oh, what is it?" Branch asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

Synth's POV

"Okay, okay, Synth, just tell him! It will be better if you do, right?! Ugh, I don't know!" Was all Synth could think after he said that.

"Uh, Synth, you okay?"

He heard Branch ask.

"Wha- Oh Uh, yeah! I'm just thinking!" He responded frantically.

"What was it that you were gonna tell me?"

I sighed as I looked at Branch with a slight smile, "Look, Branch, what I've been meaning to tell is that I, I- I like you!" He blurted out.

"WHAT?!" Branch screamed.

Nobody's POV

Branch was in shock. The truth is that he liked Synth as well, but he never would have thought that he liked him back. To Branch Synth was kind, charming, and so many other things!

But what should he say?!

Synth's POV

This entire time, Branch had been stuttering, "I guess he's deep in thought he looks a bit zoned out?" I thought as my eyes examined the blue troll.

"Hm..." I muttered as I reached my hand up to the formerly grey trolls cheek, "Oh that got his attention!" I thought as the two of us stared deep into eachothers eyes. I tried my hardest not to blush as Branch lifted his hand up and gently placed it on my cheek.

"I-Uh I- I like you too!" Were the only words I heard from the formerly grey troll as a wave of shock and relief hit me. "I'm sorry, I was just so shocked that you liked me that I couldn't even speak!" Branch carried on until I cut him off, "It's okay," I said, trying to calm him down as I pulled him into an embrace, "We'll start out slow and get to know each other better I promise..." I spoke as I felt Branch go limp in my arms.

I grabbed Branch's chin and lifted up his head as the two of us made eye contact, "I promise I will always be here for you... no matter what happens, we will always be together... I just I- I love you so much!" I said as I pulled Branch in and kissed him.

After what seemed like a minute or two, I pulled away from the kiss as I panted gasping for air. As soon as I caught my breath, I looked down only to see that Branch had fallen to slumber on my chest.

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight.

I have a feeling that this will work out...




I tried to make it short and sweet, which I think I did a pretty good job on! But anyway, to all the people that read this and have been waiting for an update and haven't left, thank you so much! You guys are one of the only things keeping me going right now.

Just knowing that you guys on here care and read my work fills my heart with joy.

But please don't expect fast updates like before. I have a lot going on at the moment, but I promise that I will work on chapters and requests when I find the time.

Alright, that's a wrap! But again, thank you all so much for reading. It means a lot! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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