a King and a Ordinary pop Troll (Branllex)

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Nobody's POV

Branch and Trollex had been having trouble with their feelings.

Trollex had been secretly crushing on Branch, but little did he know that Branch felt the same. He just didn't know how to express his feelings.

Trollex's POV

I came to visit Trollstopia soon after it was created, and if I'm being honest, it is a wonderful place.

And what made it even better was a certain pop troll named Branch.

I swear he was the smartest, most kind troll I had ever seen.

I swam through Techno Lagoon admiring the lights and the rave that was being held, but then I saw the pop troll that I had been admiring, Branch!

I saw that Branch was talking to Synth, which made me a little jealous, but Synth was one of my friends. I watched from afar as the two trolls spoke until Synth started to drag Branch up to the surface.

I quickly followed the two up to the surface and stepped out of the water, "So Dubstep, what did you want to talk about?" I heard Synth ask the pop troll as the two of them sat down on a nearby rock, "Actually it's about my feeling for a certain troll, I didn't know who else to talk to because you know Poppy would freak out," I heard Branch say as he placed a hand on the back of his neck.

"What, no way he likes someone?!" I thought as I listened, "Who is it?" I heard Synth ask excitedly, "I-Its Trollex," Branch confessed.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. He likes me as well!!" I thought as a wide smile crept on to my face, "What, no way, dubstep, you should totally confess!" Synth said, "Wha- he won't like me back he's literally the king of the techno trolls?!" I heard Branch say. Oh my, he was so wrong.

A frown crept onto my face, replacing the smile. I can't believe he thinks I don't like him back, "Dubstep! Haven't you seen the way he looks at you? He definitely likes you back!" Synth reasurred, "I don't know Synth, he's a king!" Branch spoke, throwing his arms up in the air, which made me chuckle, "So? Branch your litteraly best friends with the queen of pop!" Synth laughed as I also chuckled lowly to myself from afar.

"I don't know, maybe I'll confess at some point," I heard Branch say as I saw him lower his head, I hated to see him sad, "Don't worry, Dubstep when the time is right you'll know when to confess, okay?" Synth reasurred Branch as I smiled. I saw Branch nod his head as he stood up from the rock and said, "Thanks for talking with me, Synth, it really means a lot," "Anytime, Dubstep, I'll always be there for a friend!" Synth reasurred Branch once again.

"I'll see you later, Synth!" I heard Branch say as I watched him run off from afar, "Bye Dubstep!" I saw Synth wave to him before making his way back to the lagoon.

Timeskip The next day.

Trollex's POV

"Maybe I should confess to him?" I spoke to myself as I placed a hand on my chin. I sat down on the sofa that was in my office. Ever since I came to Trollstopia, the techno trolls have been working hard to make me feel welcome, so they had built me an office where I could relax and work.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the day before.

After a while of thinking, I decided that it would be a good idea if I confessed to Branch because there was no way that he would anytime soon. He was so nervous after all.

I thought of places that I could take Branch and confess to him, but there was one place that came to mind, the place where him and Synth were yesterday.

Hopefully, he will admit that he likes me.

Timeskip an hour later.

Trollex's POV

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