All the Pawsebilities ღ | ✨(Poly!Solangelo)

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Happy birthday Nico! I changed up the request a bit, otherwise I just mentally wouldn't have written it, sorry. also remember MORE CONTENT IF MORE INTERACTION thank you Thanks to the lovely Franckentstein of being on the banner, I love danny's cat more than my life. → synopsis ; You go out on one (1) date, lose will for five (5) seconds and he comes back with six (6) cats. 

Pairing: Will Solace x gn!reader x Nico di Angelo, Poly!solangelo x reader

Request: GN!S/o showed up with a kitten (I imagined it with black, orange and brown fur) and tells Nico and Will that they are all parents now +++bonus if when they come to 'talk' to the cat he talks come back with lots of cute meows I need this confort PLEASE🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Wordcount: 2k

Warnings: I don't think so 


Nico, Will and you were out on a date. It wasn't often that Chiron would permit an outing, although that might be because you almost never asked. Who cares whether camp rules would let you, and whether you would be safe, if you can just get out and be back before dinner.

It would all have been fine, if it wasn't that at some point in your romantic outing the three of you got split up. Chiron did have a point when he said it was dangerous to go out, as it was common for you to encounter monsters on the road. It wasn't a lot, but you had pulled Nico out of the monster's way, and started running in the opposite direction of Will and luckily the monsters had followed the two of you. Knowing Will, he wouldn't have taken any weapons with him.

But that was not what today's story is about. Instead, it is about how your boyfriend was acting when you found him. He was basically cradling his bag, smiling suspiciously. However, as you all knew to not hang around after a monster attack, you didn't question him at all, and when you sneaked back into camp and went separate ways you promptly forgot about Will being suspicious.

Or rather, you would have, if he stopped acting that way the next day. Nico had grabbed Will by the arm as Will had just tried to sneak away after lunch without talking to either of you. But instead of answering to your questioning looks, he wriggled his arm out of Nico's grip.

"I just need to do some stuff- I will catch up with you later." Will slipped away quickly, leaving you and Nico alone.

"He's hiding something" You stated and Nico nodded.

"Since yesterday, let's follow him." he suggested, and you both were on your way.

Will had seemed to leave camp, going towards Rachel's oracle cave. He finally crouched down before something, and Nico and you silently followed him. Will seemed too preoccupied with whatever was in front of him to notice Nico and you sneaking up to him. As you came closer, something darted past Will, and as he quickly turned around, to grab the creature he spotted his lovers.

"Oh! Hi, what are you doing here?"

"We could ask the same of you, William." Nico stepped closer, "Whatcha got there?"

"A smoothie-"

"Will." Nico sternly glared at his boyfriend.

Will pouted, "Remember yesterday? When we encountered those monsters?" Both you and Nico nodded.

"Well, I found these," Will gestured for you to come over. In his lap were a bunch of kittens. You crouched on Will's left, as Nico did the same on his right. Three of the kittens made their way over to him, climbing on his knees. Nico panicked, and fell backwards on his butt, giving the kittens more access to his lap. Will was mindlessly petting the remaining kittens on his lap, and you were watching Nico intently. Nico reluctantly tried to push the kittens away, but he was so gentle that he ended up petting them instead.

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