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Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

1600 hours

Current Conditions: Mostly Clear

It was a clear evening on December 7th, 2028 onboard the World War 2 Iowa Class Battleship USS Missouri. The old warship had been long retired from the US Navy but still acted as an intimidating force on the water, especially to any who sail past her heading for the Navy Docks behind her. On the deck of the Battleship sat a very familiar man, it was Andy Yan, he was on the Luna because he flew in on a PAL Airbus A350 into Honolulu earlier that morning. The Filipino was on break before his first few flights of the night and thus decided to spend the time he wasn't flying to look at the Warships coming in and out of the harbor. At the moment, he was a 21 year old adult male with a light tan, no tattoos, was bordering on 6'0", had brown eyes, and raven black hair. He was single, High School romance didn't go too far and his job took him everywhere so he couldn't really build a relationship properly. As the Filipino took down hull numbers and names as they passed, a Museum Curator tapped him on the shoulder. 

Museum Curator: "We're awfully sorry, but the museum is closing early tonight." he apologized, "Please disembark and we shall treat you to a free item in the gift shop of your choosing." 

Andy: "Um...sure, what is the reason for the sudden closure?" he asked. 

Museum Curator: "The Navy has deemed that the Missouri is the only Iowa Class Battleship still fit for service and has bought her back from us." he replied, "She is to be refit in Hawaii and then sent out to counter the Russians in the South China Sea." 

Andy: "Huh...that must be why my Airline is temporarily suspending service to Japan and Korea...." he trailed off, "Anyway, I'll cooperate." 

Museum Curator: "Splendid, now you best get going, the Navy will only be a few minutes at most." he said, running off to inform other guests of the sudden closure. 

Andy walked off the famous Iowa Class Battleship, patting her A Turret as he made his way to the gang plank and the gift shop located near the entrance. 

Andy: "Well, at least I got a hoodie out of today." he sighed, walking away to the airport, "At least the others are having a good day...I hope." 

Andy checks his phone for only the briefest of moments, only to realize he was needed for a flight going out in a few minutes. Groaning and pocketing his phone, making the mental note to check Wattpad and ask the others about their days later, he made a run for the airport, knowing that he kinda had to take this flight otherwise he'd be stranded in Hawaii for an indefinite period.

Just outside of Pearl Harbor

1604 hours

Current Conditions: Mostly Clear

As the Battleship was towed away, a blue whisp of sorts emerged from the Battleship's superstructure and floated down to the old ship's bow. It seemed to take a deep breath as it slowly made its way to the drydock to be refit. 

Missouri: "I miss this feeling...." he sighed, contently, "Staying in one place for a few decades gets really tiring after a while."  

The whisp flew towards the tugs towing the aging battleship to overhear what the crew had to say about him. 

Tugboat Crewman 1: "What do you think the boys at Site 31 want with this old girl?" he asked. 

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