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Beacon Academy

0630 hours

Current Conditions: Clear

It was a peaceful morning at Beacon as the soon-to-be students slowly woke up for the day, but as some of the late risers snoozed for just that little bit longer an aggressively energetic voice startled them awake.

Nora: "It's morning!~ It's morning!~ It's morning!~" she shouted, excitedly.

The entire gym groaned as they slowly woke up and began packing up to begin getting ready for the day. Alex and Yamato were amongst these unfortunate souls as they were rather late risers, but as they woke up, they also noticed that Missouri and Andy were not among the unfortunate souls woken up by Nora.

Yamato: "あのバカたちは一体どこにいるんだ?" she asked, getting up and grabbing her sleeping bag, "めちゃくちゃ早いですね。"

Alex: "It's not that early." he shrugged.

Yamato: "じゃあ、どうしてそんなに遅く起きたんですか? はぁ?" she demanded.

Alex: "Because I had a late night last night." he replied, grabbing his stuff off the ground, "I'm sure they'll be ready by the time we gotta go for Initiation."

Yamato: "そっちのほうがいいよ、俺はクソ野郎が大勢いるチームには入りたくないんだ。" she grumbled, angrily.

Alex: "They'll make it." he said, rolling his eyes.

Yamato continued grumbling as she began walking to the storage room as she made her way over there; however one of the students, a punk rock looking male with green hair, decided to mess with the wrong person and tripped Yamato. As soon as she realized what had just happened, the Japanese Battleship shot up, summoned her riggings and turned to the boy, aiming all 9 of her 18.1 inch rifles at him.

Yamato: "死にたいのか、このクソ野郎!" she roared, getting up in the boy's face and flaring up her aura, "またそんなことするんだ、お前の目を食べてやる!!"

The boy screamed in terror, getting out of the Kansen's grip and running away at full speed.

Hortanz: "Hey, you alright?" she asked.

Yamato: "もっと良くなるかもしれない。" she grumbled, "でも、私は元気です。"

Hortanz: "That's good to hear." she sighed, "C'mon, let's go put our stuff away together."

Yamato shrugged and followed the Heavy Cruiser away.

Lance: "Hey, Hortanz." he said, approaching the Cruiser, "Have you seen Mantle and Maceo anywhere?"

Hortanz: "Not since last night." she replied, "Why?"

Lance: "Just asking." he replied, walking away.

Yamato: "それは何についてでしたか?" she asked.

Hortanz: "Lance is just a little overbearing with things is all." she replied, "He likes to have a tight leash on things."

Yamato: "だから何? 彼は過保護な親のようにあなたの上に漂っているだけですか?" she questioned, "それはフラッグシップがチームとともに行動すべき方法ではありません。"

Hortanz: "You haven't seen the Atlesian Navy." she sighed.

Yamato: 'No...but I have seen the Imperial Japanese Navy.' she thought, "何はともあれ、朝食に行きましょう。"

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