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Beacon Airship Docks

0910 hours

Current Conditions: Clear

Picking up right after the last chapter, Andy made his way to the docks, finding his team waiting for him, all wielding their new weapons.

Andy: "Hey guys, nice weaponry." he said.

Missouri: "Thanks kid, sorry we left ya back here." he said.

Yamato: "つまり、彼は自分のことをするために中断したのです。" she stated.

Alex: "What was that thing anyway?" he asked.

Andy: "I heard crying from downstairs so I went to investigate." he replied, "I found one of the other Kansen attending Beacon this year."

Alex: "Oh really? What was she crying about?" he asked.

Andy: "Her family was imprisoned or something by the Schnee Dust Company, something about slave smuggling using one of her sister ships." he explained, "She was crying because she was forced to stay by her flagship, something about enforcing the General's orders or whatever."

Alex: "Ah, I see. I'm assuming you calmed her down easily enough." he said.

Andy: "Yup." he nodded.

Missouri: "Did you 2 become friends?" he asked.

Andy: "Yeah, why?" he replied.

Alex: "Are you perhaps considering becoming more than friends with her in the near future?" he asked, teasingly.

Yamato immediately burst out laughing as Andy began sputtering in embarrassment.

Missouri: "Guys, get off his back." he said, scoldingly, "He's young, don't discourage him from finding love."

Andy: "Thank you Missouri." he sighed, breaking out of his sputtering fit.

Missouri: "Just make sure to have the Birth Control pills and the condoms at the ready lad." he added, with a smug cheekiness laced in, "You don't wanna have an unplanned kid in college."

Andy: "Wha-?! Missouri! Come on!" he whined.

Alex: "Sorry Andy," he laughed, "just couldn't resist it."

Yamato: "あなた方西洋人がなぜこのたわごとが好きなのかわかります。" she giggled.

Andy groaned, unamused at this.

Andy: "Whatever." he groaned, "What do you guys wanna do for the rest of the day?"

Missouri: "I was thinking of a nice day in the town, have a bit of shopping and a bit of exploring before the big day." he replied.

Alex: "'ll do us some good to build connections and such, sure, we can spend a day in town." he added.

Yamato: "それが足を伸ばすことを意味するなら、確かに。" she harrumphed.

Andy: "I'd say that's a nice idea." he smiled, "Wecan get a feel for the town, see what the best food joints are, check where the arcades are, etc."

Alex: "Well, that's a landslide." he said, "Pilot, bring us back to Vale please."

Airship Pilot: "You got it." he nodded, his bullhead's engines spooling up.

The team walked into the Bullhead's cargo bay and got into the seats as the VTOL Jet took off and awkwardly stumbled through the air towards the City. As they left a small Seer Grimm peeked out from one of the bushes in the lawn, relaying what it saw back to its master before flying away.

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