Chapter 1

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For almost two decades, the witch Leenan had been in a stalemate with the kingdom of Cailburry. Everyone from the lowliest peasant to the crown itself lived in fear of her magic; all except one family of goatherders. It wasn't for a lack of trying either. It was just, every time she tried to curse them, the spell somehow backfired.

She'd cast a spell to make the father's hair fall out, and his wife would say he was even more handsome than before.

She cursed them to have no daughters (I mean, who doesn't want daughters?) and they'd cry tears of joy at the birth of each son.

She ensured they were the poorest people in town and yet the townspeople adored them.

She'd even tried to kill their eldest son, and somehow, it had earned him a pretty fiancé instead.

Yes; everyone rejoiced when the young shepherdess and the eldest son of the goat herders had finally become engaged after years of being neighbors. 'Childhood sweethearts' the townspeople would say, as if straight out of a fairytale. Everyone anxiously awaited the wedding date. It was quickly turning into a townwide celebration, the grandeur was disproportionate to their status. It really broiled the witch's pride. Especially when people would gush at how cute the future babies would be.

No one gushed about how cute her baby was, and she had the cutest baby there ever.

"Mother, perhaps it's time to let this go?" Okay, so Finn wasn't a baby anymore, rather a few years past coming of age. But it was the principle of the thing! Theoretical peasant offspring were not worth celebrating more than her own flesh and blood. Especially after those no-good nobodies at the school refused to issue a diploma she had paid for. That family would become an example of what happened to people who wronged her; even if she had to lie, cheat or steal to do it. "The stress alone will give you wrinkles."

"No, that Roland has wanted stupid little grand babies since before he had his own. I will not let that happen!" Leenan started digging through her disorganized pile of spells. "Especially not before I have any." Finn stopped playing his harp and turned to scowl at her from his spot on the couch. He had been very vocal about not wanting to deal with marriage or children. While she had voiced support, it was clear she still hoped it was just a phase. "Oh, it's not you sweetheart, it's them. They're just determined to rub their happy little lives in everyone's faces. Well, we'll just have to see about that."

"I thought there was no spell that could prevent children?" Finn was proof alone of that. "Besides, the wedding is in two days. What could happen in two days that would cancel a whole wedding?" Finn returned to playing his harp.

"No spell would work, but perhaps a scandal instead!" Leenan grinned and turned to her son, her bored, stuck in the house son. "A scandal that would ensure no woman in town would ever want to marry that little scab again." She rose to her feet and glided to his side. "Just like your little friend Darren." Finn cackled at the notion. Poor little Darren, now hiding in Spain with his uncle because the 'woman' he'd been courting turned out to be his half-brother. It had been terribly boring without a toy to play around with. By now everyone was well aware of what happened when you got too close to the witch or her son; so, no one dared approach him anymore. He didn't even have enemies to torment anymore.

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