Chapter 13- The Oni's Story

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"It's all your fault!"

"Yoru, it isn't-"

" I should have never been friends with you! Dragons and Oni could never be friends. I could never be friends with a disgusting dragon like you. I HATE YOU! I HOPE YOU DIE!"

He got part of his wish. His dragon friend's parents died some time later. Which was good enough for Yoru. He could never forget the dirty, so-claimed pure, dragons and what they did to his parents. Yoru tightened his grip around the unstable railing. He couldn't even stand the thought of thinking about that person. It made his blood boil, growing his hatred for the sly dragon. At least that was his perspective.

" You okay?" Grace asked as they all waited for Lloyd's sword to be made. "Yeah," Yoru said, his mind elsewhere. Grace stared hard at him, trying to make out what he could be feeling. But she easily gave up. "If I'm not mistaken, your mind is on something,"Grace told Yoru. "No, you're not wrong," Yoru replied, taking Grace off guard. "Really? What is it?" Grace questioned. "I'm just thinking about my parents," he replied. " And the people responsible for their deaths." "Oh," Grace said softly as she taught about her parents. She wasn't sure whether they were alive or dead, after the Merge she only found herself in the remains of her village. "I'm sorry to hear that." Yoru put his hand on his forehead.

They died when I was 15, about 10 years ago. They were killed in a conflict between the dragons. The dragon leader slaughtered my parents, all because they wanted their "precious dragons" to be safe, meaning no communication between us," Yoru started, looking down. He let out a small, sad laugh. "It was my fault. All those years before, I played with their child. We were good friends despite being two different species, the two species no one would have guessed to get along. Their parents seemed fine by it, even though they always closely monitored. And when my friend's little sister was born, they became extremely protective. But, I guess they snapped. They were serious. When I went to go look for my parents, I saw their lifeless bodies on the ground, fresh purple blood alongside them. (Oni have purple blood)

I was mad at my friend, who wasn't my friend anymore. I was convinced that it was all of his fault. The next day, he came up to me, to say sorry. I lashed out and scratched him on the face hard, leaving a mark. His parents came to his aid, fussing over their child. "I-it's all of your fault," I said with a shaky voice. "You're the reason I lost everything." "But bestie-" he started. I always hated how he called me bestie, that's what girls said. I pushed him down on the ground. "Don't call me your friend, or bestie for that matter. It's all of your fault, and your stupid parent's. I HATE YOU! I HOPE YOU ALL FALL INTO THE UNDERWORLD!" I got extremely pumped up and started to charge at my friend, my oni powers showing. Their parents shoved me down onto the ground. "See? This Oni is too dangerous. It was showing it's true colors. It's a monster. You are forbidden to ever make contact with a monster like that." My friend looked at me with a face of horror, gold blood dripping down his face.

After that, Oni and dragons separated from each other, never to talk to each other again. We put up the 'barrier' again, never making any contact. If someone from the other side came, they would be pushed back into their rightful territory. We were tired of violence.

Since my parents were the leaders of the Oni village before they passed, that meant me, their only child, would assume their place. I didn't know how to recover so quickly. But I managed to put my feelings aside to help the village. Still, I wonder how the stupid dragon I thought was my friend is doing... hopefully miserably.

Yoru swallowed a lump in his throat as he leaned his head over the railing, his arms dangling. Grace felt pity for him, she felt some of his feelings. "It just seems, whenever someone is completely different from most people, the best they do is label them a monster, like they don't have similar human feelings," Yoru said shakily as Grace put her arm over him. "Yeah," Grace said softly. "I know that feeling well. No one likes being called a monster or demon."

The silence was broken when a loud thud came out of nowhere, making everyone jump. Lloyd fiddled with his new sword before running in the direction of the noise, with the gang following behind him. They kept on running through the village, through the doors, until they reached a portion of land that opened up to the Dragon Village. Out through those doors a icy source dragon popped out, and following was an earthy source dragon. And on those dragons where poor Zane and Arin, who where hanging on for their lives. Lloyd tried to make out the two figures that where right beside them, but they where too far away. But as they approached closer, Lloyd came to a realization.

They where dragons.

One of them looked in Yoru's direction, while Yoru turned his head around after giving them a cold glare. The dragon, the older male one, dropped his staff as he ran towards Yoru. "Yoru, is that you?" he asked. "What, you think you can just show your face after you ruined my life all of those years ago?" Yoru said coldly as they had an electric staredown.

"You really have some nerve, Kiyoshi."


Sorry I left you guys on a cliffhanger- once again lol

Again, tysm for 500+ reads and I hope you all keep on reading! But maybe communicate a little more in the comments and vote on the chapters if you like it please?

Also here is Kiyoshi, Yoru, and Grace as gacha people (or smth idk)

Also here is Kiyoshi, Yoru, and Grace as gacha people (or smth idk)

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(We ignore the pop up but I'll see you guys next chapter!)

Word Count- 1044

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