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m.by__sana : i love it here with my daddy💋

Liked by mina_sr_my and 13,194 others

momo: bitch where r you(you look cute btw)
m.by__sana: i can't tell

sanaownshanlim: she means her papa or...


whos daddy girl

i wanna know 2

chill it's just dad

how dare u

to lie to us?

bitch is in relationship and didn't tell us

as i said it's just dad


"You still didn't say us anything." Mina remembered Sana, as she sits next to her. Sana didn't say anything, she couldn't. What should she say?

"Hey Tzuyu posted on Instagram." a kid said exicted, which made Sana and Mina make a face.

"Let's see that bitch." Sana sawy while rolling her eyes, but Mina just glanced at her. "What?"

"Homo but nice." Mina says then opens Instagram.

thinkaboutzu: damn i got it, i'm iconicLiked by dahhyunnee and 14,364 other

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thinkaboutzu: damn i got it, i'm iconic

Liked by dahhyunnee and 14,364 other

sangipaiya: kiss me
thinkaboutzu: shut up Ali<3

minn.__.ju: twin

m.by__sana: ew fag

"Tsk." she put her phone down.

"You still commented." Mina remembered her again. "Why do you hate her?"

"How are you here?" the same kid asked when Tzuyu arrived, who just stopped. "You-you..."

"What the fuck are you saying?"

"I thought you're- you know." the kid gulped, when he noticed Tzuyu was glaring. "I thought you're here." he slowly showed the picture to Tzuyu.

"It was days ago, I- how do you even go here?" Tzuyu asks, confused.


"That's my seat by the way." she says then walks away when she notice an empty seat next to Sana.

"That's Momo's-"

"I'm sure she can sit somewhere else Mina unnie" Mina looked away in annoy.

"Jeez what's your problem?" Sana asks as she goes closer to Tzuyu with her chair while Mina wasn't looking.

"Like you care."

"I don't." I do. She looked at Tzuyu, who pressed her lips together.

"I left my pointe shoes at home."

"Holy shit." Mina finally looked at her. "This isn't the first time." Mina remembered her too. "You packed your things this morning, right?"

"Yeah but I was in hurry."

"Why?" Mina asked.

"You know, when people slept in, they are in hurry."

"Well you should sleep more." Mina shrugged. "We don't want you to faint again while doing rond de jambe par terre."

"I do sleep, but not yesterday." Oh my god shut the fuck up."

"And why is that?"

"I'll tell you but... don't tell anyone." then she looks at Sana. "I'm telling you homophobic asshole-"


"Sorry so, the reason I haven't sleep is there's a cyber bully who's texting me everyday."


The girls in Tzuyu's arm asks as she looks at her. Her eyes were shining, while she smiled at Tzuyu. "You are a bully, love." she kisses her forehead.

"As your bully I want you to sleep, eat and drink well." she says then goes back to their hug, she melts into Tzuyu's hug.

"I know, baby, I know."

"I'm serious Chou Tzuyu." the girls looks at her one more time.

"And I'm serious Minatozaki Sana." Tzuyu swipe the hair behind Sana's. "You're so beautiful." Tzuyu said in a calm voice, but she wasn't calm at all as her heart was beating a thousand times faster. Every time she looks at Sana, her heart just wants to jump out of her chest.

"I love you more than anything."

"I love you."

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