Chapter 5: Tteokbokki

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(Yongsun's POV)

Byul and I walk along the streets of Seoul in near silence. For once it's calm, but I guess that's what you'd expect for the middle of the night. But given the circumstances, I'm quite comfortable.

Our pace slows as we approach what I believe is the restaurant she's taking me to. The sign above reads Bridge the World Cafe. But no one seems to be in there. In fact, all of the lights are turned off.

"Uh, this place looks closed," I say in confusion.

Byul looks back towards me and smiles. She shoves her hand in her pocket and jiggles her keys out, flipping through a few keys before reaching the correct one. She proceeds to unlock the door and ushers me into the dark space.

I walk inside to a restaurant only lit by the rays of the moon. Where all the chairs are stacked on the tables. Where Byul and I are the only souls in sight.

As Byul shuts the door behind us and turns on a dim light, she can see the confusion and worry written all over my face. Maybe she really is a murderer and I just walked right into my trap like an idiot.

"My father owns this place. But I've been working as the head chef recently since he got sick." Byul says.

"You're a cook?" I ask.

"A pretty good one." Byul says in a smug manner.

Byul ushers me to the cafe counter as she flips a chair off and places it down for me.

"Yong, what's your favorite thing to eat? Something you might not get to have all the time?"

As I sit down, I realize I'm hungry enough to eat literally anything placed in front of me, at least that's how I'm taught to eat all of my meals. To not complain, to keep my head down, and to thank who provided it for me. But this time, there's no use complaining, because my stomach seems to be eating me from the inside out as we speak.

"What'll it be Yong?" Byul says as she grabs her apron and ties it around her waist.

...Something that I might not have all the time? My mouth waters as I know exactly what I'm craving.

"......tteokbokki," I say shyly. Honestly it has to be one of my favorite foods, but I'm not allowed to have it at home. Despite being nearly 30 years old, I'm still told that I have to eat all of my vegetables in order to maintain the Kim slim figure.

Byul smiles at me. "Tteokbokki it is!"

She walks to the kitchen and begins preparing my meal. I watch through the window behind the counter.

Hmm, a woman who looks as beautiful as she does AND is a head chef? I must've been saved by an angel.

While I wait patiently, my eyes wander around the dimly lit space. Along the back wall I see a collection of photos of Byul and an older man, who I can only assume is her father. She looks so happy in them. Nothing about the pair seems lavish or fake. They seem to be so content and happy with exactly what they, and seem to love each other for exactly who they are. God what a concept.

"One tteokbokki coming up!" Byul pops out of the kitchen placing a plate of fresh tteokbokki in front of me.

Holy shit this looks delicious; nice and crispy, glazed to perfection. Byul really does have the magic touch.

"Thank you, thank you very much." I bow my head, pick up my chopsticks, and begin devouring the tteokbokki.

Byul smiles as she watches me eat. She could tell from the get go that I was starving, and she seems to get some pleasure in being able to help fill me up.

This continues for a few minutes as her smile gradually fades.

"Yong," Byul says in a deep and serious tone. She pauses. "Are you okay?"

I stop devouring my food immediately. I don't dare to look up at her, because honestly I'm still embarrassed about the whole ordeal. I mean what the fuck was I thinking. I feel a lump starting to form in my throat, so I slowly shove a bite of tteokbokki in my mouth to stop the tears from flowing.

"I understand not wanting to talk now. But for my sake, I need to know that you'll be okay in the next coming days." She adds.

I keep my head down in silence. Byul exhales at my lack of reaction.

"Here, hand me your phone." She says as she places her hand out.

I look up to her sparkling brown eyes and her soft hand extended in front of me. I finish chewing my bite, and abide by her request.

She takes my phone but doesn't say anything. She just types away. I watch in confusion at what she's doing, but make sure to not show any emotion.

"Here." She hands my phone back to me with the screen open. Open to my contacts page. I read "Byul ♥️" above her phone number. I look back up to her as she smiles.

"I want you to check in with me over the next few days. Whether it's a text or a call, I just want to know that you're alright."

I feel a warm feeling start in my chest and spread all throughout my body. I've never felt like this with anyone. The feeling of someone genuinely caring about me and my health, despite my fortune and name. I take a few beats of smiling at her, then smiling back down at my phone. I look back up at her one more time.

"Can you do that for me Yong?" Byul asks, with a serious yet caring look on her face.

Without saying a word, I nod yes. Yes I can do that.

"Good." Byul says. We both take a moment to stare into each others eyes. Perhaps she's feeling the same warm feeling that I am, whatever you want to call it.

"Now, finish your meal." She demands.

I gently bow my head and get back to my tteokbokki.

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