Chapter 9: Coffee

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(Yongsun's POV)

I have a bad habit of picking at my thumbs when I'm nervous. It used to be a huge problem when I was younger, because learning to grow up in the public eye is a little daunting. But as I've grown the problem has gotten better. I'm usually not as nervous in my day to day life as I used to be.

Until now. I look down at my thumbs, which are almost raw.

Today is one of the warmer days this spring in Seoul. I'm able to wear one of my favorite white sundresses and some sneakers to go along with it. Not too fancy, but not too casual either.

I spent about 30 minutes trying to pick out an outfit this morning. Then another hour trying to put makeup on, making sure that I looked "natural" enough to perfection. With all that time it took me to get ready, I'm still at the restaurant a half hour before I told Moonbyul to be.

Why am I so nervous about seeing her again? And why did I spend so much time getting ready for something that isn't even considered a date? I barely know her! This is just two acquaintances getting coffee.

Though am I hoping it's more? I mean, the way that I've felt for her from the moment I saw her was a way that I've never felt before. The warm sensation flooded my body almost immediately, and it happens every time I think of her. The same happens when I think of the idea of love. Could it be that this is love with Moonbyul?

I mean, she's caring. Her persistence with making sure I'm okay is unmatched to anyone I've known before. If she's willing to do this for a stranger, I wonder how it is to the people she holds dear. And how could I forget that she's insanely beautiful. I could have those eyes staring at me everyday if I was lucky enough.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one who thought to come early."

I turn towards the familiar voice and see Byul approaching me.

And oh. my. god.

I thought she was attractive when she was trying to pull me back over the edge, but this, this I think is the most attractive woman I've ever seen.

She was dressed in black from head to toe with silver chains to accessorize, and her jet black hair flowing in the soft spring breeze. We looked like polar opposites, but something about us complimented each other well.

I swear I had to wipe a little drool coming from the corner of my mouth. She smirks at my subtle reaction.

"Hi Byul" I say to her.

"Don't you look cute in a dress."

+1 point for my gaydar.

"Thank you," I say, "you look pretty nice yourself."

Subtle flirting never hurt anybody.

"So, where is the pretty good cafe you know of?"

I turn to point up the street from Byul's restaurant. "It's about a 5 minute walk this way. I hope the walk is okay."

"Absolutely. After you Yong." Moonbyul smiles at me, and ushers for me to lead the way.

We begin walking leisurely towards the cafe. The similar feeling of the night we met began to fill the space between us, the deafening silence. But perhaps her mission is to always break the uncomfortable tension.

"So. We're not really strangers. But I know nothing about you. Tell me about Yong."

She eagerly waits for my response, but I don't want to answer. If Byul hasn't recognized me by now, I don't want to come clean about who my family is. I don't want things to change, and have her only see me for the wealthy Kim daughter I am.

"There's... not much to know honestly." I timidly say.

"Hmmm, not much to know? I highly doubt that" she combats. I remain silent. Typically my last name tells my story, but for someone who isn't aware of it, what exactly is there to know about me?

"Maybe I can ask questions, and you can answer them. How's that?" Byul asks.

Hmm, perhaps that isn't a terrible idea. Maybe I can figure out things about myself as well in the process. I nod my head in agreement.

"Perfect. Well, let's start with this. How old are you Yong?"

"I'm 28."

"Oh! My unnie!" Moonbyul bows towards me. "I'm 27."

I bow in return, unaware of where to take the conversation next.

"What do you do for work, Yong?" Moonbyul continues.

Work? Hah. My job is essentially being a trophy item for my father and his successful image. How do I explain that I don't technically have a job, but I don't really need to because of my family wealth?

"I uh... am sorta in between jobs at the moment.." I say.

"Ah, I see. That's perfectly okay! What is it you specialize in?" Moonbyul continues.

I pause for a brief moment to figure out my next response. "I um.... I like signing. I know that's more of a hobby, but if I could make a career out of it I would."

Moonbyul looks at me and smiles with such intent. "A dreamer. I like it." I look up at her and return the gaze.

Before you know it, we ended up at the coffee shop.

"Oh wow! This is where we're going? I've been wanting to try this place for a while!" Moonbyul says excitedly.

"Yeah, I've been here a few times. It's pretty good."

"Well, after you Yong." Moonbyul bows and hold the door open for me. I bow in return and we step inside.

We're immediately punched in the face by the smell of freshly roasted coffee, and captivated by the assortment of pastries on display. The atmosphere in the room was warm and inviting, with the gold accents of the space bouncing off the reflection of the glossed mahogany. I swear Byul's jaw dropped upon entering. It sure seems to be a little step up from her restaurant, but nothing can compete with the rich community she has created with her father.

"Next customer!" The barista behind the counter ushers to Byul and I. I step in front to place my order.

"Hi. May I have one iced americano please?"

"Absolutely ma'am. And for you?" The barista ushers to Byul.

"I will have the same, actually."

"Perfect. Two iced americanos. That will be ₩10 please."

Byul goes to reach for her wallet, but mine reaches up to stop her. Our hands touch for a brief moment, and that familiar warm feeling radiates within my bones.

"Don't worry Byul, it's on me."

"Oh right, it's my turn to be the princess." Byul giggles in the greasiest way possible.

"Thank you ma'am. If you find a table we will bring it out to you. Two iced americanos coming up!"

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