Chapter 8: Tomorrow

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(Moonbyul's POV)

As the dusk approaches quickly, Bridge the World cafe has served its last customer for the evening on this busy Saturday. My father left a few hours ago due to feeling a bit under the weather, and I assured him to could wrap up business here.

I lock the door behind the final departing customer and sit at a nearby table to give myself a moment to rest. I pull out my phone and scroll through a small amount of notifications, hoping to see a certain name. But alas, nothing from the one I was waiting for.

Yong never responded to my text. It's been nearly 5 hours. Our messages were fairly consistent throughout yesterday, and she never seemed to mind me checking in. I hope everything is okay.

Oh god.

I didn't think this through. What would I do if she decided to do it again? I have no idea where she lives, where I could reach her, what I would possibly do. I never got the chance to get to know her. To feel the warmth of her hand in mine again.

God I'm spiraling. I feel my heart rate increase with every rapid breath I take. What am I supposed to do? I have the urge to run to the bridge. Maybe Yong will be there. I can stop her before she decides to do anything crazy, and then I'll have the chance to-

*ring ring*

I look down at my ringing phone.


Byul: Hello?

Yong: Hi Byul.

Byul: Yong! Hi!

The sound of her voice eased all of my worries.

Yong: I wanted to check in. I'm sorry for not being able to sooner. Things got... busy.

Byul: Oh Yong, it's not a problem. I was starting to worry a bit, but I'm glad to hear that everything is okay.

Yong: Byul...

Byul: Yes Yong?

Yong: Umm, what... what are you doing tomorrow?

Byul: Tomorrow? Uh, nothing actually. The restaurant is usually closed on Sundays. Why?

Yong: I uh, I was wondering if you.. maybe wanted to meet up? We could.. grab coffee, or something?

Is Yong trying to ask me on a date?

Byul: Yong, are you always this greasy to strangers?

Yong: Hah. Well Byul if I remember correctly, we're not really strangers are we?

My heart flutters. She's quick, isn't she? This girl is managing to charm her way into my heart, and I barely know her.

Byul: Well I guess you're right, Yong. Of course, I would love to. I don't mind making coffee for us at the restaurant if you'd want to meet there?

Yong: No, no. I don't want you to have to work on your day off. I do know of a pretty good cafe not far from your place actually. Maybe we can meet at your restaurant and walk from there? Maybe noon-ish? My treat.

Byul: That sounds wonderful. And Yong, you don't have to treat me.

Yong: No, no Byul, it's the least I could do. You know, for the.... other day.

We haven't talked about what happened a few nights ago. This is the most we've spoken of it since.

Byul: Yong, there's nothing to thank me for. But, if you insist.

Yong: Great. Well, in that case, I'll see you tomorrow.

Byul: Yeah, I uh.. I'll see you tomorrow! Goodnight Yong. Sleep well.

Yong: Goodnight Byul.

I get to see Yong again.

To tell you the truth I wasn't sure that it would make it past a few texts. I feared that after a few days we would go our separate ways, either when she let me know she was fine, or that she wasn't..

I feared I would spend an absurd amount of time wondering whatever the fate was of Yong.

But now I have the privilege of getting to know her.

God tomorrow can't come soon enough.

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