Moving In Together

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Milks pov:

We met the lesbian stereotypes, 2 months later, she moved into my apartment.

No one stopped us or told us iys too early.

It was great. We had our own space, and we were together literally every day.

Love loved cooking, while I always cleaned.

Love loved romantic movies, while I loved comedies and we always watched romcoms.

Her favourite colour pink, mine blue it was perfect.

We had everything together.

Our walls filled with pictures of our date locations, families and each other.

She payed for electricity and food, while I payed rent and water.

Everything worked out evenly between us.

Twice a week would be date night and we'd switch one week me and one week her.

We even bought a bigger bed.

We couldn't beat the allegations when we got our first pet together 3 months into our relationship.

A Cat.

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