Losing Hope

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Milks pov:

After 4 years, we've never had arguments quite like this. We've never not spoken for longer than 4 hours.

It's been a week, and it was the 6th time we were arguing.

Over absolutely nothing, the arguments are over nothing.

First, it started when her parents stopped talking to her.

I should've known, ever since Ohm and Nanon got together. Ohm hasn't spoken to their parents for 6 years. I've never learned about it in-depthh.

They don't really like talking about their parents.

Then it's started with me not taking her out on dates anymore, then about me working more.

Which I had too, ever since Love finished varsity, she hasn't found a proper job in her field.

Either some wants to undercharge her, or the hours are way too many for her qualifications.

I was working more because now I had to pay most if not all the things and necessities.

I knew she hated it, Love hated feeling like she's not contributing, and even though I never told her that it's hard, I know she still feels like it's her fault.

Our finances were in ruins, I had to pick up more hours.

More hours means less time to have dates or go out or do stuff in general.

I worked atleast 120hrs a week.

So one day when I come home and she was gone, I should've known.

I walked into the house, tired. It was dark and everything was quiet, usually Love would wait up for me before I get home.

"Baby?" I called, no answer I checked our room, the kitchen, living room even the balcony.

I went back into our room and realized there's a note on the side table where I sleep.

"I'm sorry I love you" it said.

I immediately called her, the phone going to voice-mail.

I check the closets, most of her things were gone.

What the heck?

I call Ohm, I call Nanon and I even called my brother to ask where she is.

Just as I was about to leave and go look for her Nanon called back.

"Where's Love?" I demand.

"Milk..."Nanon answers, sounding sad.

"Something happened with their father. Apparently, he's been sick. Love told Ohm that's she's been in contact with him and if he wants to make things right, obviously he didn't and she said that she's leaving, I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you. Ohm's been spiril the whole day. I love you milk. They'll be fine and-"

I put the phone off in nanons ear.

It's not his fault I know but what is happening is ruining my love life.

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