You got the part

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《Real life》

Juliette had just landed in Hawaii. She bought her sister this trip to celebrate Katlynn's graduation. She just graduated high school, so she wanted to treat her. They had got to the hotel when she got a call from her manager.

"Hey Linda, what's up?" She asked into the phone as she all but tossed her suit case on her hotel bed.

"Jules, do you remember that audition for Percy Jackson and the Olympians?" The elder women spoke through the phone. Masking her excitement with a serious tone.

"Of course. What about it?" The girl asked, holding her phone between her ear and shoulder as she unzipped her suitcase.

"You got the part!" Linda finally let her exit ment be heard in her voice.

"What, really?"

Excitement flooded her body. She forgot  about her phone and started jumping up and down. Her phone tumbling to the ground.

Her sudden burst of energy earned a confused look from her younger sister. 'What is it' her sister mouthed.

"I got the part!" She looked at her sister happily. She hadn't been this exited about a role since Outer Banks. Just then she remembered her phone on the ground. Linda was still on the phone, waiting patiently for the girl to come back.

Juliette cleared her throat regaining her composure. "Sorry about that," She spoke into the phone.

"Your fine sweets. This is something to be exited about," Linda spoke sweetly into the phone.

"Do you known when we start filming?" Juliette questioned the woman.

"In two weeks, I know your in Hawaii with your sister right now so have fun and celebrate, but be back by Thursday of next week because you and the rest of the cast are having a dinner Friday night to get to know each other," Linda explained.

"You will be playing Maia Noon. She is a character that's not in the books that they added to the TV show. She is Luke Castellan's love interest."

"That's so cool. Do you know who plays Luke?" Juliette asked, sitting down on her bed before she fell over from excitement. She loved the Percy books as a kid. She even had a minor crush on Luke so this felt so full circle.

"They're gonna email all the actors a cast list with phone number so you guys can make a group chat if you want," Linda answered, "Matter of fact t they should.have already sent it."

"Okay, thank you so much for this opportunity."

"Any time sweets,"Linda replied cheerfully. With that the two hung up. Juliette took let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. After a few minutes of silence her sister finally spoke up, "So -- can you tell me?"

"Nope. It's a suprise," the older sister responded with a teasing smile. The younger sister let out a long sigh. Her bottom lip jutting out. She put on her best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

Juliette knew what her sister was trying to do. It wasn't gonna work however.

"Please Jules, I won't tell any one," her sister begged. "No, now get changed into a swimsuit were going to the beach. It's time to celebrate," Juliette spoke with a smile.

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