Movie night and matching pjs

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《Real life》

The curly haired duo made it back to the apartment. Charlie dropped the snack and drink bag on the kitchen counter, while Juliette brought her suprise to her room.

A few minutes later, the door to Juliette's room opened. She walked out in a green frog oneself a big proud smile on her face. Charlie chuckle happily at the girl.

"What are you laughing at pretty boy you get one two," she giggled as the boy turned to her with wide eyes. Just then she removed an arm from behind her back. A matching frog onesie loose in her grip.

"Yeah, thats not happening," he argued, moving towards the girl has he spoke. His taller form towering over her smaller one.

"Oh, come on, please?" The curly haired girl pleaded, jutting her lip out and using her best puppy dog eyes on him. Just like Katlynn would do when she wanted something from someone.

The two held eye contact t for what felt like forever, until finally the boy gave in with a groan, taking the onside and going to bis room to change.

"Yesss," she cheered, pumping her fist in celebration.

A couple minutes later his door opened as he joined Juliette in the kitchen. Once she got a good look at him her hand went straight to her mouth to try and stop her laugh. When that didn't work, she took her bottom lip between her teeth to try and keep the laugh in.

"I look stupid," he complained, but deep down he loved it. He loved that they were matching, that they were in the same clothes.

Clearing her throat the girl spoke, "You really do," her giggle escape her lips before it turned into a whole laughing fit, making the girl fall to the ground holding her tummy as she laughed.

The scene was a sight for sore eyes, Charlie's face betrayed him, a grin formed on his face. He soon joined her, laughing along with her. He couldn't help it, her bubbly personality was contagious.

Their laughter soon died down and the curly haired boy helped the curly haired girl off the floor. They then moved to the living room drinks and snacks in hand.

They placed their stuff on the coffee table, before taking a seat on the couch. There was only a throw pillow between them. A shiver went through the girls body. She quickly got up and went to her room to get a blanket while Charlie turned on the movie.

She quickly sat back down covering her small form with the big blanket. "MI d sharing?" Charlie asked the brunette with a smile.

"Sure," she replied, removing the throw pillow that separated them, she moved closer to him. One of his arms was slung over the couch, she placed her body next to his. His armed movedfrom the back of the couch to around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. She snuggled into his body as the movie started.

Before she could get to comfortable she leaned forward and grabbed the Swedish fish and her Gatorade off the coffee table.

She happily opened the bag. She loved Swedish fish, they were, and still are, her favorite candy. She happily grabbed one out of the bag, but before she could put it in her mouth it was snatched from her fingers.

"Hey!" She shouted at the theif next to her, who just gave her an innocent smile as he chewed the gummy candy.

Juliette huffed faking frustration, she tried to get up from her spot so she could make Charlie mad, but his arm around he waist pulled her back I to him. Then he did something un expected, he kissed the top of her head.

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