Juliette gets a visitor

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《Real life》

The two made it back to the apartment, the girl still hadn't spoken two words to the boy, she was giving him the silent treatment. It was funny watching him fidget awkwardly in the silence of their car ride.

"Come on Darling don't be like this," he pleaded as they walked into the apartment.

Jules pretended not to hear him as she walked into her room to get ready for a shower. She heard him groan as she shut the door. Once in the safety of her room, she let out a quiet giggle. She liked how she could drive him crazy just with the littlest things.

She smiled to her self as she picked out her outfit for the day. She then got in the shower, the gidy smile never faltering.

On the other side of the bedroom door sat a just as smiley Charlie. He knew what she was doing, but it still drove him crazy. He loved to talk with the girl, so not being able to do that was torture.

He decided to watch TV to get his mind off the girl that had taken over his brain. However, that didn't work when a little less than an hour later the girl stepped out of her room in a pretty yellow sun-dress, her hair wrapped in a towel, and her cheeks still pink from the heat of the shower.

Charlie couldn't stop his eyes from wandering from the TV to the girl he found stunning.

"Pretty boy, your staring " she teased, a fun smirk played on her lips.

"What," he said not taking his eyes of the girl. "Your still staring," she teased again the playful smirk never leaving her face as she crosses her arms over her chest and leans on her doorway.

The boy finally snapped out of his daydream and back to reality. He quickly turned his head back to the movie on the TV screen.

His cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. "Well I can't help it when you look so good," he mumbled to himself quietly.

"What was that pretty boy," the pet name making his face blush even more. "Nothing," he replied quickly, hoping she wouldn't ask again. Much to his dismay she had asked him again.

"I said-" he started but then there was a knock on the door. The boy let out a breath he knew he was holding.

"Saved by the bell," Jules teased him once more as she went to see who it was.

When she opened the door she was surprised to see her sister standing at the door with a big smile on her face.

"Kate what are you doing here?" The older sister asked happily. "To visit you, duh."

"Well come in there is someone I'd like you to meet," Jules spoke, moving out of the way so her sister could walk in.

"Well hello there," Juliette heard her sister as she shut the door.

"Kate," her sister spoke in a warning tone.

"What I'm just saying hello," her sister defended herself, as the older sister joined the two in the living room.

"I'm Charlie," he introduced himself politely. "Tust me, I know who you are, J hasn't stopped talking about you, she kept texting about you," her sister spoke, giving her older sister a sly smirk.

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