Chapter 3

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Author pov:

 hana is currently in bed with a bandage on her ankle and ice to cool it. Yuna sits next to her on the bed. Do you know that I hate you very much right now, she said to her friend. Why did Hana say why did you have to save Eric he was mean to you why are you always so sweet to everyone he doesn't deserve that . how do you know eric was mean to me. Eric said it himself, he also supposedly said that he regrets it. sunwoo took his side and stood up for him, can you believe it, pff really. don't say you argued with him. No, I didn't argue, I'm just angry. now tell me what happened why did you jump between them.

Okay so I went to pee during the break and then I heard some guys and a girl talking to each other and they were making plans to injure someone at first I didn't know who they were talking about but then they said number 2 and eric is number 2 so then i wanted to tell you and sunwoo first but you were both gone and god knows what you were doing then i looked for eric and then i bumped into him again and then he was mean and then I got angry and said I hoped he broke his leg and then realized it was very mean of me and then I decided to save him even though he hates me.

Yuna hugged her friend, you are really too good for this world, you know that. hahah I know let me go now. then there was a knock on the door.

Come in Yuna said because she thought it was Hanna's mother but guess who it was, it was Sunwoo.

Hi how are you, sunwoo said to hana, good don't worry. Why are you here Yuna said, come on are you still angry I'm sorry okay but know that Eric didn't do it on purpose. please forgive me sunwoo said  and he pouted forgive you sunwoo bear.

Ohh I can't stay mad at you for long Yuna said and then she kissed him and he kissed her back. Omg please don't do that in front of me my eyes are burning ahhhh hana said dramatically.

Hana Pov:

I don't know why but I was hoping that Eric would come too to at least see how I am doing. maybe yuna is right and everything is all about him, he is really sorry because if he is sorry he can also say that to me. I expect too much from him and it hurts me somehow that he isn't here. Yuna and sunwoo left after an hour and then I fell asleep it was a long day.

 I woke up the next day and looked at my ankle and saw that the swelling was gone. I stood up immediately when I wanted to take a step I screamed in pain omg it hurt so much why. My mother came in and she looked very worried. The doctor said that you need to rest for a few days, you can't just start walking again. but why mom it is bruised but will go away in a few days. and I have to get better quickly because you know I would like to register for UCLA (in my story a dance university lol) I have an audition in 2 days, I can't just drop out mom. Hana darling listen to me the doctor has said that you may not be able to dance with your ankle for a long time it is very stressful on your ankle

 what that's not true tell me it's not true I started crying this can't be true here I've been waiting for so long and now this how come it has to happen to me again. I have never cried as hard as I am now, everything I have dreamed of since I was little is not going to come true and do you know who is responsible for this, because of Eric, if he had listened to me, I would never have jumped in, I hate him and I would never forgive him.

a few days later 

author pov:

 Hana hasn't gone to school for a few days, it was difficult for her and today she is back at school. yuna and suwoo are worried about her she hasn't said a word since she arrived.  hana are you okay you haven't said anything since you got here we are worried about you. hana looked at them both and smiled it was the fakest smile ever yes i'm okay don't worry about me.

 Okay then I'm going to the coach he said he wanted to discuss something I'll see you later okay bye Sunwoo said and walked away. After a few minutes when Sunwoo walked away, someone from his team came and said that Hana had to come too and that the coach needed her. Yuna walked along and helped Hana walk because her ankle was still bothering her. when hana and yuna were at the locker room the entire football team was there too eric he looked at hana but hana looked the other way.

okay guys that's it I'll see you tonight for training you can go now. Hana, I would like to speak to you alone, the coach said, would you like to come along? Yes, that's fine, Han said and she walked towards the coach with a limp. Eric saw how she walked and felt even more guilty than he already was

Hana Pov:

okay hana can you please explain to me everything that happened last match. why did you jump in and how did you know what the other guys were up to. I explained everything to the coach and he said he was going to take action and ensure that the boys are suspended.

 then he said he would let me know more when he had taken action. I then wanted to walk to yuna, but I realized that I forgot my phone in the boys' locker room, how could I be so stupid. I went to the locker room to look for my phone.

but when I went in there I saw Eric, he is really the last person I would like to see. I pretended not to see him and looked for my phone but I didn't find it. Are you looking for your phone, Eric said and held it up. I walked towards him and wanted to take it away from him but he held it higher I couldn't reach it, why do I have to be so small ugh. Eric now give me my phone back, no, I will only give it back to you if you listen to me, you have been avoiding me for a few days, I would like to talk to you, he said.

Now you know what it feels like when you want to say something to someone and they ignore you and don't want to hear from you. What do you want to say anyway, we have nothing to say to each other.

 please just 2 minutes, he said. okay, I'm listening, you only have 2 minutes, I said. Okay, first I want to say sorry, I'm very sorry that I didn't listen to you, if I had, you wouldn't have been injured. I have never felt so guilty and I would like to make it up to you. make up haha ​​funny. Do you know what I missed because of you, you can't make it up to me anymore.I can forgive you, but I will never forget it for the rest of my life. Because of you I missed the biggest opportunity of my life. so from today we don't know each other and I never want to see you again. I grabbed my phone and walked away. You're probably thinking I'm really mean, but he deserves it, he's a jerk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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