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⚠️⚠️: Parent death, mention of drug, alcohol addiction and child abuse.


"October let's go!" Griffin yells up.

Griffin is my older brother. He is 22 and a pain in my ... well you fill in the blank. He is a mess. And sadly, that's putting it lightly.

Let me start from the beginning...


My mother was Roma Frowy and my father Howard James met in college. I know romantic right? They had a group of friends. Eden, Owen, Caline and Brody. They finished college had a little too much fun. They just started their business, commercial goods transport when my brother was born.

Their business was really booming by the time I was born. I don't know why my name is October. I wasn't even born in October but my mother said she loved that name. And my dad said that he just went with it. Do you think it's weird?

My mother got me into acting and I was in a fews shows. I really became popular with the Netflix show Strangers Things and other movies I did.

Then my parents went on a business trip. My brother was 19 and doing well in college. And I was on the set of Crossword Mysteries: Terminal Descent when the director got the call that the plane my parents were on crashed.

The media blew up surrounding their death. Paparazzi surrounded Griffin's college making Eden have to pick him up. The whole cast of Crossword Mysteries came to the funeral as well as many of Griffin's friends.

The media though took a real toll on Griffin's recovery. He was trying to deal with our parents' death and with the paparazzi prying, he started to lash out. He got in a lot of trouble with the authority and was sent to juvie. Brody and Callie my parents friends took me in so I could finish the movie but they got tired of me very quickly. They started getting angry with me and taking out their pain with life on me physically and emotionally. I couldn't even go to school. My brother came back around a year later and fixed his life up enough so he could get me out of that house and Brody and Caline was arrested for child abuse and neglect.

Now I have a manager named Watson and he is a nice guy. He got me an audition with the Russo brothers for a new Marvel movie. My money from other projects is keeping our new life afloat. It is paying for food and rent as well as anything he or I might need.

My brother he's better but in reality he will be struggling for a while. He dropped out of college, started doing drugs and drinking a lot. He has a part time job but I can't imagine him actually working. Poor Griffin has gotten fired from most jobs. He needs a lot of help. But at this point there is nothing I can do anymore and I've already tried to get him help. He's just so stubborn. Luckily with the projects I don't have to see him too much.



"Yeah so is Christmas" He shoots up.

Got to hand it to him, he got me good. I am stuffing my duffel bag full of things, my clothes, pictures, etc.

I just got a part in a new Marvel Movie. Griffin offered to drive me to the airport so I could fly over. The Russo brothers told me that another actor is going to meet me there and help me settle in.


I can't believe Natasha is back! Oh this is amazing. I got the call a week ago from the Russo brothers and they asked if I wanted to reprise my role.


"We have a way to bring her back, but only if you agree to it." Joe explains.

"Yes, I will. I would be glad to"

On the inside I was practically screaming.

"I figured you would," Anthony laughs.

I smile widely

Anthony continues, "We will be flying you all out in a week. We're having a Launch Dinner with the new cast and all of you. We only have, I think, one new member."

"Okay, great"


*At the apartment Scarlett rented*

I do hate to leave Colin and the kids especially since I just got back from another project. Colin is absolutely great with the kids. Rose is at her father's and Cosmo is at daycare. Even though I do call them every night because I do feel bad being away from them.


I turn my head and see Lizzie and Flo staring at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?" Lizzie wonders.

"Yeah sorry"

"You don't have to apologize" Flo says.

"I just hate that I'm not there for them"

"Oh honey of course you are. I feel the exact same. Especially now Dana is 5, and to put that on Robbie with his busy schedule. But I also know that all the time I spend with them when I get home makes me appreciate them even more and makes it 10x better. Now give me a hug and let's wipe your tears" she sighs wiping the tears that spilled.

"Thanks guys"

"No problem" Flo pauses, "Now I hear we're getting a new cast mate!"

"Yeah, I volunteered to meet her at the airport to show them around tomorrow. Joe said they were on the airport"

"Oooo exciting. I wonder who they'll play"


After a long time driving we arrive at the airport. Right now we are trying to find my gate.

"Don't do anything stupid."

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" I smirk over to see him serious making me wipe that smile off my face.

"I'm serious"

"You know" I said, turning to him, "You can still come with me"

"I have to work"

"Boarding 8A!" the lady says as we reach the gate.

"Griffin you and I both know you won't. Why don't you come with me?"

"You know why"

I smile sadly, "Okay then"


So monotone, like he won't miss me.

"Will you miss me?" I whimper. He is the only one I have left.

"You're going to miss your flight"


A tear rolls down as I board the plane and hand the lady the ticket.

"Thanks" I mutter walking on.

I walk through and find my seat. My duffel bag gets shoved into the overhead compartment before I plop down in my seat.


"Honey wake up"


"Miss" I hear again

I feel and hand on my shoulder before I jerk up to meet a nice flight attendant.

"Sorry Miss, we are here,"

"Oh- uh, sorry, thanks" I reply quickly grabbing my bag and getting off the plane.

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